


  • React and Laravel version of Nathan's site design.

  • hosting on hostinger

  • artistan

  • tinker

  • inertia

  • blade

  • tailwind

  • React

  • sqlite database

  • Insomnia

  • TODO: scroll to top button, text typing

  • MySQL

  • TODO: auth

  • TODO: copy, logo , etc.

  • TODO: pictures / assets

  • TODO: QA / testing

  • TODO: where does the form data go?

  • SQLITE first, then eventually postgres

-TODO: modal cards -TOD0: color schema -TODO: design / style guide -TODO: calendly integration -TODO: G drive / FTP -TODO: asset integration -TODO: Canva design


Thank you for sharing this package.json file. This configuration represents a modern React project using Vite as the build tool and including several popular libraries. Let's break down the key components:

  1. Project Configuration:

    • "private": true: This prevents accidental publication of your project as a package to npm.
    • "type": "module": Indicates that this project uses ECMAScript modules.
  2. Scripts:

    • "dev": "vite": Runs the development server.
    • "build": "vite build": Builds the project for production.
  3. DevDependencies:

    • Vite and related plugins for building the project.
    • React and ReactDOM for the UI library.
    • Inertia.js for building single-page apps.
    • Tailwind CSS and related plugins for styling.
    • Headless UI for unstyled, fully accessible UI components.
  4. Dependencies:

    • GSAP (GreenSock Animation Platform) for animations.
    • React Icons for including popular icon sets.
    • React Scroll for smooth scrolling functionality.

This setup is well-suited for a modern, interactive web application with a focus on performance and user experience. The use of Vite as a build tool suggests a focus on fast development and build times.

Some observations and potential recommendations:

  1. The project is using relatively recent versions of most packages, which is good for security and feature availability.

  2. The use of Tailwind CSS, Headless UI, and GSAP indicates a focus on both styling flexibility and advanced animations.

  3. If you're planning to deploy this application, you might want to consider adding a "start" script that runs the built version of your app.

  4. Depending on your project's needs, you might want to consider adding testing libraries (like Jest or React Testing Library) to your devDependencies.

  5. If you're working with a team or planning to maintain code quality, you might want to add ESLint and Prettier to your devDependencies.

Is there anything specific about this configuration you'd like me to explain further or any changes you're considering making to it?