
The function that feeds @TheReactDev twitter.



The function that feeds @TheReactDev twitter.

This project was inspired by this article.

This function depends on a few environment variables:

  • dev_tag: the tag to which the crawler will get the latest articles.
  • twitter_bot_screen_name: the name of the account that will tweet the
  • Twitter keys:
    • twitter_consumer_key
    • twitter_consumer_secret
    • twitter_access_token
    • twitter_access_token_secret
  • telegram_bot_token: the telegram bot who's going to log messages for
    maintenance/debug purposes
  • telegram_chat_id: the channel where the bot will send messages

You just need to create a env.yml file and put those values in, like this:

dev_tag: "react"
twitter_bot_screen_name: "NameOfTheTwitterAccount"
twitter_consumer_key: "..."
twitter_consumer_secret: "..."
twitter_access_token: "..."
twitter_access_token_secret: "..."
telegram_bot_token: "..."
telegram_chat_id: "..."

It's worth noting that I used telegram here because it was simple and it probably is the fastest way I can see a message in case things go wrong. Probably would be more

I started using azure, like twitter-vue-dev, but after a few hours of headaches I'm switching to the serverless framework with aws.