
Strong typed functional programming language dedicated to backend and web applications

LGPL-2.1 License



Thicket is a lazy functional programming language. It has been inspired at the beginning by the Model, Controller and View approach. In this approach a model denotes a set of data (atomic or object) federated in a named structure. A controller is a set of behaviors applied to a given model or controller and finally a view denotes an extended DOM fragment used for UI management.

Thicket is a strong typed language based on well known Hindley-Milner type system and type inference paradigm. The Thicket source code is compiled and the resulting objcode is executed by an abstract machine derived from Krivines' machine. Such abstract machine can therefore be implemented in various languages like Java, Python etc.

Online examples

Hello World

A simple Hello world is available for execution here.

Todo MVC

The TodoMVC example available for execution here shows a complete example based on dom manipulation.

Thicket Console

The Console example available for execution here shows how the runtime can be easily extended in order to provide a naive embedded interpret in the web browser.

Unit testing

The Test example available for execution here and here shows how unit testing can be done just changing the logger used to display the result.

Additional projects

Some projects are also available in Hyperweb and can be browsed and executed seamlessly. For instance a naive λ-calculus evaluation is available for test.

Language Overview

The Thicket language came from research done about strong object and class separation. In addition UI management done using DOM fragment is provided in order to define view facet in addition to object (model) and class (controller).


keywords: data denotation

First information and data are stored in an object. In our approach an object is not meant to have behaviors but only provides a common and simple way for data structuration and storage. It's the model definition in the illustrated MVC design pattern.

model Person {
   firstname: string
   name: string
   age: number

Then using such model creating an instance can be easily done. In fact a model defines a generator which is a function named with the model name.

// Person : string -> string -> number -> Person
Person "John" "Doe" 42


keywords: behavior - control - denotation

A class provides a set of behaviors where the internal state is represented by a model. For instance in the next code two classes person and population are proposed for objects Person and list[Person]. Such class is similar to a controller in charge of managing a given model.

class person this:Person {  
  with Person
  tick: person
} {
  def firstname = this.firstname
  def name =
  def age = this.age
  def tick = person new this with age=(this.age + 1)

Then using such class creating an instance can be easily done. In fact a class defines a generator which is a function named with the class name.

// person : Person -> person
person (Person "John" "Doe" 42)

In addition we can define type in order to increase specification readability using typedef capability and reuse this new type definition when defining entities.

typedef Population = list[Person]

class population this:Population {
  unbox: Population
  (<=): number -> population
  addNew: string -> string -> population
} {
  def unbox = this
  def (<=) age = population for p <- this if p <= 100 yield p
  def addNew f n = population $ this +: (Person f n 0)

View using DOM fragment

keywords: templating, UI fragment

Finally views can be designed and linked to controllers. In the example we propose views dedicated to a person and to a population. These views define the UI using HTML fragments. This approach is similar to React.

def personView : person -> dom = this -> {
  onMouseEvent MouseClick $ _ -> this.tick

The main purpose of views is the capability to define a specific UI (HTML fragment) in a single and isolated block. Then identified elements become part of the definition in opposite to anonymous UI definition. In the next definition a personAdder has always identified elements like firstname and name. Based on such definition each PersonAdder instance provides these definitions and then can be referenced as we do in the Population#addPerson method.

def personAdder : population -> dom = this -> {
        <input type="text" id="firstname"/>
        <input type="text" id="name"/>
        <input type="submit" value="Add"/>
    onFormEvent OnSubmit $ d ->
        for firstname <- { d find "firstname" }
            name      <- { d find "name"      } 
        yield this addNew firstname name

def populationView : population -> dom = population -> {
        { for p <- (population <= 100 unbox) yield personView $ person p }
        { personAdder this }

See current Libraries for more language highlights and Examples for small web and backend applications.


keywords: substitutability, implicit transformation

Implicit data adaptation can be done in order to reduce boiler plate when dealing with objects. For instance when a string is required this one can be transparently created from a number.

def adapter number2string : number -> string = number::toString

// "a" + 1 === "a" + (number2string 1) === "a1"

These adaptations can be ordered explicitely or inferred by the compiler during the type checking stage. Adapter accessibility is managed using imports then if such an adapter is not imported the related transformation is not available.

Finally adaptation is not transitive. For this purpose all required transformations must be expressed using dedicated adapters.

This can be compared to implicit conversion mechanism available in Scala or C#.


keywords: classification, reusability, subtype

Class derivation can help reducing specification based on classification. Such derivation is the main paradigm used for the subtyping relationship and then the substitutability principle availability.

model Equal[a] { 
    (==) : a -> bool

class number this:native {
    with Equal[number]
} {
    def (==) = ...

Then each time a Equal[number] parameter is required a number can be proposed for instance. This implies the avaibility of the subtyping type relationship implied by the derivation declaration in the language.


keywords: abstract behavior denotation, derivable, composition

A trait is an abstract component providing behaviors without any constraint related to the denoted data type.

model Comparable[a] {
    (==) : a -> bool
    (!=) : a -> bool
    (<=) : a -> bool
    (=>) : a -> bool
    (<?) : a -> bool
    (?>) : a -> bool

trait comparable[a] {
    with Comparable[a]
} {
    def (!=) n = (self == n) not    
    def (<=) n = (self == n) || (self <? n)
    def (=>) n = n <? self
    def (?>) n = n <= self    

class bool this:Bool {
    with comparable[bool]
    fold : [b] b -> b -> b
} {
    def True.fold t _ = t
    def False.fold _ f = f
    def (==) b = self fold b b.not    
    def (<?) b = self fold false (b fold false true)

Private behaviors

keywords: privacy, behavior protection

A trait or a class can be defined with provite behaviors. Such definitions are then only available when using 'self'. A private behavior is defined with a type in the definition section.

trait page {
    create : dom -> dom
} {
    def header : dom = <div class="header"> "..." </div>
    def footer : dom = <div class="footer"> "..." </div>
    def create d = <body> self.header d self.footer </body>

String interpolation

keywords: string format, injected expression

String interpolation unleashes string construction allowing string embedded code.

model Message {
    id   : number
    text : string 

def logMessage : Message -> console = m -> 
    console.log $"${date current}::${m id} - ${m text}" 

System Evolution

keywords: immutablity, data evolution/mutation

Since immutability is an important paradgim in the language data mutability is based on object evolution rather than object modification using side effects. For this purpose a dedicated instruction is proposed. The result of such instruction is a new data built using an original and a set of modified attributes or methods. A data can be simple model instance but also a class instance. This last perspective allows code mutation.

Model Evolution

In the following example the address is defined in the Person model. Then changing address can be done but at the model level.

model Person {
   name : string
   address : string

def changeAddress : string -> Person -> Person = s p -> {
   new p with address=s

Class Evolution

In the following example the address is defined in the class instead in the Person model. Then changing address can be done but at the class level.

model Person {
   name : string

class localizedPerson this:Person {
   with Person
   address : option[string]
   changeAddress : string -> localizedPerson
} {
   def name = this name
   def address = none
   def changeAddress s = new self with address=(some s)

Not yet in the language

Type of self in traits

Since traits defines partial definitions allowing self usage the related type is only known when such trait is used in a class.

trait Set[M,a] {
    empty  : bool
    size   : number
    // Etc.    
} {
    def empty = self size == 0

In this example self has the behavior size because it's an implementation of a Set. But what does implementation means in the type system. In fact the self type is a type containing Set specification i.e. a class with a derivation to this trait.

For the moment the type of self is the trait type itself but this approach is not fulfiling.


Type checker level


For each class definition check the consistency in order to reject partial class definition since a class cannot abstract. Not used as-is in another one using the with declaration.

Code generation level

Generated code optimization

The current version of the generated code refers to the module in two many levels (module entity, model, class ... and ident). This repetition must be build when specifications are loaded (synthetized).

Constant pool

Each constant like strings, number etc. must be stored in a constant pool like in the class representation for the JVM. This implies a more compact specification file.

More informations and References

This language has been inspired by major projects and frameworks like Purescript and React. In addition the Virtual DOM approach is also studied in order to provide a reactive and efficient DOM management process.


Copyright (C)2015-2016 D. Plaindoux.

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this program; see the file COPYING. If not, write to the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.