


Download map tiles covering an area from a URL template.

There exist various web services that act as providers for map tile data. This could be vector tiles or maybe traditional raster image tiles. Usually they follow a predictable URL structure like http://foo-service.com/tiles/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg. If you know this URL template, you can use tile-dl to download all tiles within an area from this service and store them locally.

This can be very useful for offline storage of map data for e.g. an area you'll be traveling to.


With npm installed, run

$ npm install --global tile-dl


USAGE: tile-dl -t 'URL' -o 'OUTPUT' --lat LAT --lon LON --radius R --zoom ZOOM

  Recursively downloads tile data (vector, satellite, etc), given a server URL

  --template|-t: A URL template. Must contain the markers {x}, {y}, and {zoom}.
                 e.g. http://some.mapservice.com/{zoom}/{x}/{y}.jpg

  --output|-o  : The directory output template. For example, '{z}/{y}/{x}.png'
                 will create a directory hierarchy with 'z' at the top, 'y'
                 inside that, and fill each innermost directory with 'z.png'

  --lat        : The center latitude to download tiles from.
  --lon        : The center longitude to download tiles from.

  --radius|-r  : The radius, in kilometers, to download around the center
                 latitude and longitude coordinates.

  --zoom|-z    : The zoom level of tiles to be downloaded. Be wary: zoom level
                 N+1 contains 4 times as many tiles as zoom level N.


Let's download the Oakland, California area at zoom level 12:

$ echo 'https://c.tiles.mapbox.com/v4/digitalglobe.0a8e44ba/{z}/{x}/{y}.png?access_token=pk.eyJ1IjoiZGlnaXRhbGdsb2JlIiwiYSI6ImNqOGRmNW9qZjBudmgzMnA1a294OGRtNm8ifQ.06mo-nDisy4KmqjYxEVwQw' > template

$ tile-dl -t "$(cat template)" --lon=-122.2632601 --lat=37.8027446 --radius 0.1 -z 12 -o {z}/{y}/{x}.png

this will download map tiles at zoom level in a 0.1km radius around approximately (37.8,122.2) and write them to a folder in the current directory called 12/. You'll have the following file structure:

├── 1581
│   ├── 655.png
│   ├── 656.png
│   ├── 657.png
│   └── 658.png
├── 1582
│   ├── 655.png
│   ├── 656.png
│   ├── 657.png
│   └── 658.png
├── 1583
│   ├── 655.png
│   ├── 656.png
│   ├── 657.png
│   └── 658.png
└── 1584
    ├── 655.png
    ├── 656.png
    ├── 657.png
    └── 658.png
