
Minimal javascript library to create and manage timers in the browser

MIT License



Minimal javascript library to create and manage timers

NOTE: Depends on window.requestAnimationFrame. If your environment does not support it, you can polyfill.

API documentationDemo


$ npm install @georapbox/timer --save

The library is exported in UMD, CommonJS, and ESM formats. You can import it the following ways:

Using ESM import statement

import Timer from '@georapbox/timer';

Using CommonJS require statement

const Timer = require('@georapbox/timer');

As old school browser global

<script src="https://unpkg.com/@georapbox/timer/dist/Timer.umd.min.js"></script>


new Timer(elapsedTime, duration, [callback])

Timer constructor: Creates a new Timer instance.


  • TypeError If duration is not a number or NaN.
  • TypeError If elapsedTime is not a number or NaN.
Param Type Description
elapsedTime Number The time that has elapsed in milliseconds. If a negative number provided, it will become 0. If a number greater than duration is provided, it will become equal to duration.
duration Number The timer's duration in milliseconds. If a negative number provided, it will become 0.
[callback] function Function to be executed while timer is running. The Timer instance is passed by as parameter.

timer.time() ⇒ Object

Get the remaining and elapsed time.

Kind: instance method of Timer Returns: Object - An object literal that contains the remaining and the elapsed time in milliseconds.

timer.start() ⇒ Timer

Starts the timer. If the timer instance has been already started, the timer will just resume.

Kind: instance method of Timer Returns: Timer - The Timer instance.

timer.stop() ⇒ Timer

Stops/Pauses the timer.

Kind: instance method of Timer Returns: Timer - The Timer instance.

timer.reset() ⇒ Timer

Resets the timer to its initial state.

Kind: instance method of Timer Returns: Timer - The Timer instance.

timer.isRunning() ⇒ Boolean

Checks (at any time) if the timer is running or not.

Kind: instance method of Timer Returns: Boolean - true if the timer is running; otherwise false.


The MIT License (MIT)