
Text & Image bulletin board

BSD-3-CLAUSE License

 _______        __
/_  __(_)______/ /  Original Fork of:
 / / / / __/ _  /   https://github.com/Yonle/Toard
/_/ /_/_/  \_,_/                                     

A text & image bulletin board.


  • NodeJS >= 16

  • SQLite3 libs installed.

  • libvips >= 8.14.2 (You should not need to compile libvips from source if sharp could be installed in your machine/container without any problem)

  • That's all.

Migrating from Toard

Copy config.db and database.db from Toard to Tird directory, Then run:


Setting up

  • Clone the repo
  • Install the dependencies with npm install
  • Run it by executing npm start, and done!


IP Blocklist

The IP Blocklist is actually just used to block any POST request.

Check ip_block tables in config.db file.

~ $ sqlite3 config.db
SQLite version 3.41.2 2023-03-22 11:56:21
Enter ".help" for usage hints.
sqlite> SELECT * from ip_block;

To block an IP, Insert ip column into ip_block.

sqlite> INSERT INTO ip_block VALUES ("");

To remove an IP from blocklist, Delete an column of an IP from ip_block

sqlite3> DELETE FROM ip_block WHERE ip = '';

IP Whitelist

The IP whitelist will prevent an certain IP to get into captcha sessions, or even getting ratelimited.

The settings are the same as the IP Blocklist.


When the first wall was not enough, There goes another two verification layers.

To enable, Insert the following column into config table at config.db database:

sqlite3> INSERT INTO config VALUES ("captcha", "yes");

To disable, Simply delete the column.

sqlite3> DELETE FROM config WHERE name = 'captcha';

If you want to start Tird server with captcha without configuring configuration database, Set CAPTCHA environment variable:

CAPTCHA=yes node index.js

Also remember to do backup.

Modifying Frontend

Make a folder called local, Then copy views and public folders to local.

And then start modify inside local folder.


  • To lock a thread, ./modtools/lock_thread.sh [threadid]

  • To unlock a thread, ./modtools/unlock_thread.sh [threadid]

  • To nuke a thread, ./modtools/nuke.sh [threadid]

  • To ban an IP, ./modtools/ip_block.sh [ipaddr] (Not effective if the IP is whitelisted)

  • To whitelist an IP, ./modtools/ip_white.sh [ipaddr]

  • To unban an IP, ./modtools/ip_unblock.sh [ipaddr]

  • To unwhitelist an IP, ./modtools/ip_unwhite.sh [ipaddr]

  • To block an ISP, for instance, CLOUDFLAREWARP, ./modtools/isp_block.sh [ispname]

  • To unblock an ISP, ./modtools/isp_unblock.sh [ispname]

  • To locking down the entire server, ./modtools/lockdown.sh

  • To unlocking down the entire server, ./modtools/unlockdown.sh

  • To make the server read only, ./modtools/read_only.sh

  • To make the server unlocked from read only, ./modtools/unread_only.sh

  • To block open port from client, ./modtools/block_open_port.sh [port]

  • To unblock open port from client, ./modtools/unblock_open_port.sh [port]
