
Food Delivery First MERN Web Appliaction


Tomato is a MERN (MongoDB, Express.js, React, Node.js) stack project that includes a sign-in/sign-up page with authentication, a frontend with dark and light themes, a backend with MongoDB database integration, and a payment system using Stripe. It also features an admin panel with dark and light themes.

Technologies Used



  • Sign-in/sign-up functionality with authentication.
  • Frontend with dark and light themes.
  • Backend with MongoDB database integration.
  • Payment system using Stripe.
  • Admin panel with dark and light themes.

Getting Started

  • First of all, you will need to create a database with Atlas MongoDB.
  • Also have a Stripe account so you can get your SECRET STRIPE KEY.
  • How to create a database with MongoDB - 3:38:27.
  • Stripe Tutorial - 7:49:55.


Open a terminal in VS Code and go into the frontend folder and then run

❗Open the frontend first http://localhost:5173

npm install
npm run dev

Open a terminal in VS Code and go into the admin folder and then run

❗Open the admin after the frontend. http://localhost:5174

npm install
npm run dev

Open a terminal in VS Code and go into the backend folder and then run.

npm start server
  • Remember to include your Database in db.js and your Stripe Secret Key in .env but donot push on github.


This is my first project using the MERN stack, and while it's not fully functional yet and still has more work to be done, I assure you will appreciate my dedication and effort! 😊

Let's connect on LinkedIn and GitHub to follow my journey. 🚀