


An example app to demonstrate torii.

Set up

Set up a google project for implicit grant flow

Create a google application.

  • Visit
  • Create a new project
  • Click "Use Google APIs" to enable/disable APIs
  • Ensure "Google+ API" is enabled
  • Click the "Credentials" link in the side panel
  • Configure OAuth consent screen
  • Add an "OAuth 2.0 client ID" credential
    • Choose "Web application" credential
    • Enter required information, use 'http://localhost:4200/' for authorized redirect URI
  • Copy your client_id (can ignore the client_secret for now)
  • In config/environment.js set the apiKey property to your copied client_id for the 'google-oauth2-bearer' provider

Optionally change scopes by setting the 'scopes' parameter to 'profile' or 'email' in your configuration. List of Google OAuth login scopes. The default scope for the google-oauth2-bearer is email if none is explicitly configured.

Set up google project for authorization code grant flow

First, follow the steps as above for the implicit grant flow.

If it is not already present add a configuration section in config/environment.js for a torii provider called 'google-oauth2'. Use the same apiKey and redirectUri values as for the google-oauth2-bearer provider.

Authorization Code Grant flow requires a server-side component.

There is a simple server running at heroku that can exchange an authorization code. The configuration already points at this endpoint to handle the server-side exchange for the access token. Demo server code is at:

Set up social sign in with google

Follow the steps above for the authorization code grant flow.

Ensure the torii configuration specifies a sessionServiceName property of 'session'. This is necessary to opt-in to Torii's session management. Notice that a torii-adapter called 'application' has been created.

When signing in with google, the torii session service will:

  • open the torii built-in 'google-oauth2' provider, resulting in an authorization code
  • torii's session will attempt to find a 'google-oauth2' adapter, and fall back to using the 'application' adapter
  • the authorization code from the provider will be passed to the open method of the 'application' adapter
  • the 'application' adapter, which we have written for this application, will:
    • POST the authorization code to our own backend
    • our backend will exchange this code for an access token and then use the token to retrieve the user's email
    • our backend will log in the user by email, or create a new user for this email if none exists
    • our backend responds with a session id for this user
  • the adapter receives the session id and stores it in local storage
  • the adapter returns a promise that resolves with a {currentUser} object
  • the torii session service merges that currentUser property and transitions the session to its authenticate state