
Just some helpers for me

MIT License



This integrates with your Trello account using the API to do some more complicated repetitive operations.


Global: npm i -g trello-helpers

Environmental Variables:

  trelloKey: process.env.TRELLO_KEY,
  trelloToken: process.env.TRELLO_TOKEN,
  trelloBoard: process.env.TRELLO_BOARD,
  todayList: process.env.TRELLO_LIST || 'Today',
  trelloLabel: process.env.TRELLO_LABEL || 'Daily'

Your key and token can be gotten from the Trello API, here.

Other necessary value:

  • TRELLO_BOARD: This should be the name for your default Board. To get this, use trello-helpers --findBoard to get all names: this should be in human english. For instance, mine is called Life As It Is Played.

Optional values:

  • TRELLO_LIST: This should be the name for your active To Do list. Default: Today.
  • TRELLO_LABEL: This should be the name for your label for recurring items to be copied. Default: Daily.



$ trello-helpers --create 'This is a new card'

This will create a new card at the top of your target list as specified in your env, with the name of the argument.

Aliases: c Options:

  • -list <target list>
    Description: An optional list argument will create the card if a list exists with that name.
    Aliases: l
    Default: In
  • -position <position>
    Description: An optional position argument will specify where that card should go in the list.
    Aliases: p
    Values: top, bottom, or positive number.
    Default: top


$ trello-helpers duplicates

This will delete duplicate cards in a given list. It will also selectively delete only cards which have a certain label (mine is daily).

Aliases: d Options:

  • --list=<target list>
    Description: This will delete duplicates in a given list if a list exists with that name.
    Aliases: l
    Default: process.env.TRELLO_LIST
  • --label=<label>
    Description: This will delete duplicates only with a given label
    Aliases: null
    Default: process.env.TRELLO_LABEL || 'Daily'


$ trello-helpers lists

This will console log the names of all lists for the given board.

list <list_name>

$ trello-helpers --list 'To Do'

This will print the names of all cards for a given list.

Aliases: l


$ trello-helpers today

This will copy all of the cards from a list (mine is called 'Daily Processes') to another list with the format June 16th, 2015. It then copies all of those cards from that list to a list called Today, the goal being that daily processes are added to your to do list for that day, and you have a fresh card to start putting daily accomplishments on.

Aliases: t


$ trello-helpers --archive

This will archive any duplicate empty lists, because who needs those, amiright?


$ trello-helpers --findBoard

Print a list of all boards and boardIds to the console, for use in setting the initial ENV vars.