
a generic tween ticker engine

MIT License



A generic low-level ticker for tweening engines. Stacks tweens and then, on each tick, steps through them to update them to their interpolated (and eased) values.

This is the building blocks for tweenr, but can be useful on its own for modular components

Does not assume any standard set of eases, and uses linear (i.e. no ease) by default.

var Ticker = require('tween-ticker')
var ticker = Ticker()

//the thing we want tweened
var target = {
    position: [0, 0],
    opacity: 0

//get a new tween to the given ending state
var tween =, { position: [2, 4], opacity: 1, duration: 1 })

//step the ticker by a delta time

console.log(target.position) // -> [ 1, 2 ]
console.log(target.opacity)  // -> 0.5

//optionally we can cancel the tween to stop it from running anymore


ticker = Ticker([opt])

Creates a ticker with some options:

  • eases a map of ease functions that users can pass by string in the tween options, defaults to an empty object
  • defaultEase a string or function that represents the default easing when the user does not specify one, defaults to a linear function

tween =

If only one argument is given, this method pushes a new tween onto the stack, returning that tween for chaining. Same as ticker.push(tween).

tween =, opt)

A convenience version of to() which handles the most common case: object tweening. If the second argument, opt is truthy and an object, this method creates a new object tween and pushes it onto the stack.

The tween modifies element, which can be an array of objects, or a single object. opt can be the following:

  • delay in time units, default 0
  • duration in time units, default 0
  • ease is a string (lookup for the eases passed at constructor) or an ease function, defaults to ticker.defaultEase

Any other properties to opt will be tweened if they are consistent with element and also if they are a number or an array.

var elements = [
    { x: 25, shape: [10, 5] },
    { x: 15, opacity: 0 }

var tween =, { 
    opacity: 1,
    shape: [5, 0],
    duration: 3,
    delay: 0.25

    after tween is finished, element will equal:
        { x: 25, shape: [5, 0] },
        { x: 15, opacity: 1 }

tween =

If no arguments are given, this method creates an "empty" or dummy tween that can be cancelled. This is similar to the way noop functions are used to avoid conditionals in functional programming.


Pushes a generic tween object onto the stack. Like but more explicit.

var array = require('tween-array')
ticker.push(array(start, end, { duration: 5 }))
    .on('complete', doSomething)


Clears and cancels all tweens stored in this ticker. ticker.clear() is an alias for this method. Returns this for chaining.


Ticks the tween engine forward by the given delta time (or 1/60 if not specified).


The return value of is a tween with the following methods:


Cancels the tween, removing it from the queue on the next tick without applying any further interpolation.

tween.on(event, func)

The returned tween is an event emitter with the following events:

  • start triggered when the tween is first started
  • cancelling triggered before the tween completes, initiating from a call to cancel()
  • complete triggered when the tween is completed
  • update triggered after the tween updates its values


MIT, see for details.