
node.js stream API for the twitter streaming HTTP API


TweetStream -- Stream API for twitter data.


Tweet Stream

A tweet stream has the following methods, members, events, and usage.

var tweetstream = require('tweetstream'),
    sys = require('sys');

var stream = tweetstream.createTweetStream({ username:"twitterusername"
                                           , password:"mypassword" 
stream.addListener("tweet", function (tweet) {sys.puts(sys.inspect(tweet))});


The first argument is an options object. The username and password options are required.

  • 'username' - A twitter username.
  • 'password' - The password for the provided twitter username.

Stream type options. The default stream type is the 'chirp stream unless filter options are passed.

  • 'chirp' - boolean. default is true.
  • 'firehose' - boolean. Full twitter firehose, requires an account with escalated privileges.
  • 'links' - boolean. All tweets that contain a URI in the text, requires an account with escalated privileges.
  • 'retweet' - boolean. All tweets that are retweets, requires an account with escalated privileges.

Filter options. Using any of the following options will default to the filter stream.

  • 'track' - An array of keywords to track.
  • 'follow' - An array of userids to follow.
  • 'locations' - An array of locations to follow.

Event: 'tweet'

function (tweet) { }

The 'tweet' event emits a decoded JSON object from the 'status' event.

Event: 'chirp'

function (info) { }

When using the chirp stream the first line sent to the stream contains info about the user which is decoded and sent as 'info' to this event.

Event: 'line'

function (line) { }

The 'line' event emits a utf8 string which is a usually a single twitter status message. This message should be in JSON format but is not decoded, if you intend to decode it you should use the 'tweet' event.

Event: 'data'

function (data) { }

The 'data' event emits a Buffer directly from the HTTP stream. It includes the newlines sent as heartbeats.