
Messing around with @truffle/debugger library to generate sequence diagrams



Messing around with @truffle/debugger as a library, to generate sequence diagrams.

ℹ️ Note: this is an experiment! This is not maintained! The diagrams this produces are almost certainly wrong, and potentially dangerously misleading.

The current plan for this is to make it part of Truffle itself. This repo exists for people that want to try it out in its buggy, incomplete state.

Example output

Example ERC20 transfer

How to use

Clone Truffle

This requires two changes to Truffle that aren't merged yet. You'll need to run a local dev clone:

$ git clone [email protected]:trufflesuite/truffle.git
$ cd truffle
$ git checkout bag/tx2seq
$ yarn bootstrap

You'll also need to link @truffle/core. From the Truffle repo root directory:

$ cd packages/core
$ yarn link

Clone this repo

This repo isn't published to NPM so you'll need to clone + link manually.

$ git clone [email protected]:gnidan/tx2seq.git
$ cd tx2seq
$ yarn
$ yarn link @truffle/core
$ yarn link


Configure your Truffle project

This can either be your existing project, or a fresh truffle init.

Set up shell alias to use your local Truffle clone

So that when you run truffle, you'll use your local clone instead of what's installed.

$ alias truffle=node\ <path-to-repo>/packages/truffle/build/cli.bundled.js

Link your local clone of this repo

$ yarn link tx2seq

Update truffle-config.js

Requirement: you need an archive node for this! Preferably one that exposes geth-style debug_traceTransaction, but ganache-cli --fork will do, provided:

  • You're having Ganache re-use the same network ID (so if you're forking
    mainnet, then Ganache better also say that net_version is 1)
  • You're not only pretending to fork an archive node when really you're forking
    a regular full node.
  • You don't fall victim to one of the ~4 remaining known forking bugs. BTW
    you probably want to take this opportunity to upgrade to ganache-cli

OK good to go? Update your truffle-config.js! Make sure you configure your network and add the plugin:

module.exports = {
  // ... rest of truffle-config ...

  networks: {
    // ... rest of networks ...

    // make sure the aforementioned debuggable archive node is configured
    fork: {
      // ...

  // add the plugin
  plugins: [
    // ... rest of plugins ...


Invoke the power of sequence diagrams

With all that, just run:

$ truffle run tx2seq \
    --network=fork --fetch-external <tx-hash> \
  > sequence.plantuml

Since it's 2020, you probably don't have Java installed, so just copy the contents of sequence.plantuml and head over to https://www.planttext.com/ and paste.
