
Cutting-edge boilerplate for building Typescript NPM modules. Built on best modern practices.

MIT License


Table of Contents


  • compliant: Uses rollup.js to build your NPM module in multiple formats (ESM and CJS) to support all major use cases for NPM.
  • testable: built for TDD with hot-reloading, code coverage, snapshots, and more with Jest.
  • isomorphic: supports testing in both node and browsers with jsdom for DOM emulation in tests
  • compatible: write cutting-edge Typescript and it will compile it to a version that older browsers support. Supports loading of .svg files as React components using rollup.
  • consistent: uses eslint to automatically enforce code standards via git hooks using husky and lint-staged, and commitzen to enforce git commit standards
  • continuous: uses Travis CI and Coveralls to create an CI pipeline that builds your code on merges to master, runs tests, and reports on code coverage.


  • npm test or npm test -- --watch or npm test -- --watchAll

    • Runs jest tests in the terminal
    • Optional watch flag only reruns tests that are affected by file changes
    • Optional watchAll flag will rerun all tests when something changes
  • npm run build

    • Builds your module for publishing via npm
    • Creates two variants:
      • ESM (index.es.js) - Set as the value for module in the package.json file. Allows bundlers that support ES modules (like webpack and rollup) to use this module and get benefits like tree shaking.
      • CommonJS (index.js) - Set as the value for main in the package.json file. This is the standard format for NPM modules.
    • Creates an index.css that can be imported by adopters using an import like import 'your-npm-module/dist/index.css';
    • Updates a demo.js bundle in /docs so that you can see a demo of your NPM package served at docs/index.html
  • npm start

    • Uses the src/demo.tsx file to build a "demo" implementation of your module. You can customize src/demo.tsx as needed.
    • Serves your demo app at http://localhost:10001/
    • Runs rollup in watch mode, so any changes to your source code will trigger a rebuild of your bundle
      • Note: Bundle changes still require a reload of the browser page
  • npm run cm

    • Uses commitizen to prompt for required commit fields to ensure a standardized commit message
  • npm run lint

    • Lints your entire project using eslint and reports any errors


  1. Clone the repository into your "new-project" directory

    git clone https://github.com/ctaylo21/TypescriptReactBoilerplate.git new-project && cd new-project
  2. Remove the git repository, and then initialize a new one

    rm -rf .git && git init
  3. Remove README and replace with your own

    rm README.md && touch README.md
  4. Update package.json and install dependencies

    npm init && npm install

    Don't forget to update the description and any URL's in the package.json file.

  5. Start coding!

Once you have created and pushed your new repo to GitHub:

  1. Sign in to (or create) your Travis CI account and follow the instructions to enable Travis CI on your repo. This repo already includes a .travis.yml, so you only need to active your repo.

    1. (Optional): Add your Travis-CI badge to the README
  2. Add your repo to your coveralls account. Then, grab the token from coveralls and put it in a new file called .coveralls.yml file at the project root. It should contain:

    repo_token: <your_repo_token>
    1. (Optional): Add your Coveralls badge to the README
  3. By running npm run build, a demo of your app will be created in the /docs folder based upon the src/demo.tsx file. Then, you can go to your GitHub repo > settings > GitHub Pages and update the Source to point to master branch / docs folder. Then, you have a functioning demo of your page at https://<your-github>.github.io/<your-repo-name>/

  4. (Optional): Add a badge that shows the status of your NPM dev dependencies from david-dm.org.


If you find any problems or bugs, please open a new issue.