
Simple JSON in-memory auto-persistent database for server and client


undb npm-shield

Simple JSON in-memory auto-persistent database for server and client.


  • Simple JS object, no extraneous API
  • Auto-persisted using on-change
  • Saves to a json file on server, and uses localStorage in browser
  • Works in browser, with React or Preact, or without

Note: Uses ES6 features (Proxy), use only where browser/env supports it


npm i undb


const undb = require('undb')

const [db, onChange] = undb({
  path: './store.json', /* in node */
  path: 'namespace',    /* in browser */
  initial: {
    something: false

onChange(() => {
  // Fires whenever db changes



const undb = require('undb')

const [db, onChange] = undb(options)
  • db Deeply observed JS object that triggers auto-save feature when modified

  • onChange [fn] Called whenever db changes

  • options

    • path [str] Path to use for persistence. Should be a filename on server, or a "namespace" on client

    • initial [obj] Initial database structure

    • clear [bool] Deletes all localstorage items except current path

    • debounce [num] Debounce onChange

    • before [bool] Make onChange fire before the value has been updated in db

    • read [fn=>obj] Intercept the read function. Must return a data object. fn is the default read function

    • write [cb=>null] Intercept the write function. Must call cb

    • onChange [obj] Options passed to on-change


const { link } = require('undb/common/utils')
const state1Tuple = undb(options)
const state2Tuple = undb(options)
link(state1Tuple, state2Tuple);
const { link } = require('undb/common/utils')
const [ state1, state2 ] = link({}, {});
const [state1, onChange, link] = undb(options)
const [state2] = link({})
  • link [fn] Link 2 or more states. Changing one will change the other(s).

    • @param {...[state, onChange]|initial} Takes either the [state, onChange] tuple or an initial object to create a new reactive state object from.

    • @returns state[] Returns an array corresponding to the input arguments, each item either being the input [state] (from the tuple) or a newly created one.

Browser specific


  • connect [fn=>fn=>Component] Connects the onChange to a <Component> so that it re-renders whenever onChange is fired
const connect = require('undb/browser/connect')

const ReactiveComponent = connect(onChange)(<Component>)


  • useState [obj=>obj] React State Hook alternative that updates when state object is modified
const { useState } = require('undb/browser/hooks')

const state = useState({ counter: 0 })


  • createUseState [fn=>fn] Create a useState hook for existing state
const { createUseState } = require('undb/browser/hooks')

const [state, onChange] = undb(options)
const useState = createUseState(onChange)


Global persistent store

Note: Re-renders entire React App

  • store.js

    const undb = require('undb')
    const [store, onChange] = undb({ path: 'my-app' })
    exports.store = store
    exports.onChange = onChange
  • components/App.js

    const { store } = require('../store')
    module.exports = () => [
      <h1>Hello {store.name}!</h1>,
      <input onChange={e => store.name = e.target.value}>
  • main.js

    const React = require('react')
    const { onChange } = require('./store')
    const App = require('./components/App')
    onChange(() => React.render(<App>))

Local volatile state

  • components/App.js

    const undb = require('undb')
    const connect = require('undb/browser/connect')
    const [state, onChange] = undb()
    const App = () => [
      <h1>Hello {state.name}!</h1>,
      <input onInput={e => state.name = e.target.value}>
    module.exports = connect(onChange)(App)
  • main.js

    const React = require('react')
    const App = require('./components/App')

React State Hook Alternative

  • components/App.js

    const { useState } = require('undb/browser/hooks')
    const App = () => {
      const state = useState({ counter: 0 })
      return (
        <button onClick={ () => state.counter++ }>
          `You have pressed this button ${state.counter} times`

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