
A simple client for searching Amazon

MIT License



A simple client for searching Amazon


npm install unofficial-amazon-search


yarn add unofficial-amazon-search

How to use

searchAmazon returns Promise<SearchData>.

import {searchAmazon, AmazonSearchResult} from 'unofficial-amazon-search';
// OR
const {searchAmazon, AmazonSearchResult} = require('unofficial-amazon-search');

searchAmazon('anything you would put in the search bar').then(data => {
  console.log(data.pageNumber)    // 1
  console.log(data.searchResults[0].title, data.searchResults[0].imageUrl);

// load other pages by specifying a page number
// or calling getNextPage()
searchAmazon('mad max', {page: 2, includeSponsoredResults: true}).then(data => {
  console.log(data.pageNumber)    // 2
  console.log(data.searchResults) // (page 2 results)
  return data.getNextPage();
}).then(data => {
  console.log(data.searchResults) // (page 3 results)

The above works in Node and frontend environments with compiled code.

unofficial-amazon-search can also be imported from a <script> tag and used in raw JS. Importing it will attach the module to the window object. Browser queries are proxied through, a limit-free proxy, to avoid CORS issues.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
  <title>My beautiful webpage</title>
  <meta charset="UTF-8">
<script src="path/to/unofficial-amazon-search/_bundles/unofficial-amazon-search.min.js" rel="script"></script>
  var searchAmazon = window.UnofficialAmazonSearch.searchAmazon;
  searchAmazon('123').then(function (data) {

The bundle contains minified and non-minified bundles of the compiled search code.

This is a Promise-based API and does not support callbacks, so you will have to roll your own solution for Internet Explorer.


Function searchAmazon


  • query - string that you'd put into the Amazon website search bar
  • config - optional object, can specify any (or none) of the properties on SearchConfig.

Returns a Promise<SearchData>.

Interface SearchConfig

  • page - desired page of results
  • includeSponsoredResults - set true to include ads

Interface SearchData

An object with properties:

  • searchResults - Array<AmazonSearchResult>
  • pageNumber - Page number of current set of searchResults
  • getNextPage - If there is another page of results for the given query, this function returns a Promise for that next page. If there is no next page, this is undefined.

Class AmazonSearchResult

  1. imageUrl - lead product image that shows in search results
  2. title - name of product
    productUrl - URL for product details page
  3. rating - x out of y possible score (e.x. 4.2 out of 5)
  4. prices - Search often lists multiple prices for versions of an item. This is a set of all found prices, some of
    which have labels attached (for example, if you search a DVD barcode number, there are multiple prices, for DVD, Blu-ray
    and 4K, and each has a label like "4K"). Price label is null if cannot find it on page
  5. sponsored - whether result is an ad. searchAmazon filters out these by default
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