
📍A GeoJSON object containing geometries of every county in the US


US Counties

A GeoJSON object containing geometries of every county in the US.

Data courtesy of, which was derived from US Census shapefiles.


npm install us-counties

⚠️ This module loads a ~170MB JSON object into memory, so your mileage may vary. See server usage or consider running your process with the v8 max-old-space-size flag, like node -–max-old-space-size=8192 your-file.js.

Programmatic Usage

This module plays nicely with the which-polygon package for looking up counties by lng/lat coordinate:

const counties = require('us-counties')
const whichPolygon = require('which-polygon')
const findCounty = whichPolygon(counties)
const coords = [-109.82152075444654, 33.987415215464544]
const result = findCounty(coords)

Results look like this:

{ STATEFP10: '04',
  COUNTYFP10: '001',
  COUNTYNS10: '00025441',
  GEOID10: '04001',
  NAME10: 'Apache',
  NAMELSAD10: 'Apache County',
  LSAD10: '06',
  CLASSFP10: 'H1',
  MTFCC10: 'G4020',
  CSAFP10: null,
  CBSAFP10: null,
  METDIVFP10: null,
  FUNCSTAT10: 'A',
  ALAND10: 29001443825,
  AWATER10: 54175788,
  INTPTLAT10: '+35.3858453',
  INTPTLON10: '-109.4937467',
  state: 'AZ' }

Server Usage 🚀

If you're writing a program that is already hungry for RAM, you can avoid out-of-memory errors by running this module as a webserver in a separate process:

$ npx us-counties

Now there's a server running on port 5000. Make requests by passing lng and lat as query params, like localhost:5000/?lng=-109.82152075444654&lat=33.987415215464544

npm i -g json
curl -s "http://localhost:5000/?lng=-109.82152075444654&lat=33.987415215464544" | json



Field Length Type Description
STATEFP10 2 String 2010 Census state FIPS code
ANRCFP10 5 String 2010 Census Alaska Native Regional Corporation FIPS code
ANRCNS10 8 String 2010 Census Alaska Native Regional Corporation ANSI code
GEOID10 7 String Alaska Native Regional Corporation identifier; a concatenation of 2010 Census state FIPS code and Alaska Native Regional Corporation code
NAME10 100 String 2010 Census Alaska Native Regional Corporation name
NAMELSAD10 100 String 2010 Census name and the translated legal/statistical area description for Alaska Native Regional Corporation
LSAD10 2 String 2010 Census legal/statistical area description code for Alaska Native Regional Corporation
CLASSFP10 2 String 2010 Census FIPS class code
MTFCC10 5 String MAF/TIGER feature class code (G2200)
FUNCSTAT10 1 String 2010 Census functional status
ALAND10 14 Number 2010 Census land area
AWATER10 14 Number 2010 Census water area
INTPTLAT10 11 String 2010 Census latitude of the internal point
INTPTLON10 12 String 2010 Census longitude of the internal point
