
A JavaScript vector type with GLSL-inspired swizzling

MIT License


A JavaScript vector type with GLSL-inspired swizzling

const pos = vec2(0); // [0, 0]
pos.y += 1; // [0, 1]
pos.xy = pos.yx; // [1, 0]
const pos3d = vec3(pos, 10); // [1, 0, 10]



Via package managers:

npm install vekta --save
yarn add vekta

Via CDN (Loads Vekta into window.vekta):



All included types can be imported as named imports, like so:

import { vec2 } from 'vekta';


Each vector function returns a proxied array:

const pos = vec2(0, 10); // [0, 10]

Fill forward

If the number of provided arguments doesn't match the expected size of the vector, the rest of the array will be filled by cycling through the provided values:

const pos = vec4(0, 1); // [0, 1, 0, 1]


These values are accessible both by their index and by their x, y, z and w axis labels:

const pos = vec3(0, 10, 20);
pos[1]; // 10
pos.y; // 10

This is known as swizzling and is inspired by the vector types in GLSL.

We can return multiple values as a new vector by naming multiple properties:

pos.xy; // [0, 10]

These values will be returned in the order defined:

pos.yx; // [10, 0]

We can define up to four dimensions to return:

pos.zzzz; // [20, 20, 20, 20]

Cast into higher dimension

By passing one vector into another, we can cast existing vectors into higher dimensions.

const a = vec2(1, 2);
const b = vec3(a, 3); // [1, 2, 3]
const c = vec4(4, b); // [4, 1, 2, 3]

Combined with swizzling and the rgba vector type, we can create a new number by casting only the rgb values and providing a new alpha:

const red = rgba(255, 0, 0, 1);
const semiTransparentRed = rgba(red.rgb, 0.5);


As vectors are just proxied arrays, they offer all the same iterators:

const pos = vec3(0);
const numAxis = pos.length; // 3



Popmotion can animate arrays, so it can animate vectors:

tween({ from: pos.xy, to: pos.yx });

Included types

Position: vec2, vec3, vec4

Property order: ['x', 'y', 'z', 'w']

Color: rgb, rgba, hsl, hsla

RGBA property order: ['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'] HSLA property order: ['h', 's', 'l', 'a']

Note: Currently, the color vectors are essentially syntactic sugar as they don't perform validation to ensure that provided values are valid colors.

Create vector types

New vector types can be created with the vectorType function.

import { vectorType } from 'vekta';

vectorType accepts an array of unique, alphabetic keys. Each key must be of length === 1, and the array itself must be length >= 2.

It returns an array of functions that handle permutations of the vector type of length 2 to n, where n is the total number of given keys.

const [foo2, foo3] = vectorType(['a', 'b', 'c']);

const bar = foo2(0, 10); // [0, 10]
bar.ab =; // [10, 0]
bar3 = foo3(20, bar); // [20, 10, 0]

Currently there isn't a big use case for function, but it's easy to imagine adding a configuration argument that allows us to add a little more intelligence to our vector types like validation.

Browser support

Vekta requires Proxy features that can't be polyfilled so it doesn't offer Internet Explorer support.

As Googlebot runs Chrome 41, any use of Proxy will prevent client-rendered websites from being crawled correctly.


Some ideas for future development:

Validated setters

Add an optional property to vectorType that would allow the definition of functions that would transform set properties to ensure only valid props are set:

const [, rgb, rgba] = vectorType(['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'], {
  setters: {
    r: pipe(clamp(0, 255), Math.round)
    //...the rest


Add an optional property to vectorType that would allow vector types to interpolate between each other when swizzled.

const rgb = vectorType(['r', 'g', 'b', 'a'], {
  scale: {
    r: [0, 255],
    g: [0, 255],
    b: [0, 255],
    a: [0, 1]

const color = rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5); =;
console.log(color); // [255, 127, 255, 1]