
Useful snippets for developing in React (Javascript and Typescript)

APACHE-2.0 License



A collection of common Javascript and Typescript vim snippets for developing React applications. The snippets within this repo rely on LuaSnip or UltiSnips as the snippet provider.

Typescript Example

Previewing Snippets with coc-snippets

Using Log Helpers

Writing Tests


With lazy.nvim and LuaSnip:

    dependencies = {
+     "mlaursen/vim-react-snippets",
    ---@param opts cmp.ConfigSchema
    opts = function()
      vim.api.nvim_set_hl(0, "CmpGhostText", { link = "Comment", default = true })
+     require("vim-react-snippets").lazy_load()
      local cmp = require("cmp")
      local luasnip = require("luasnip")
      local compare =
call plug#begin('~/.vim/plugged')
Plug 'SirVer/ultisnips'
Plug 'mlaursen/vim-react-snippets'
call plug#end()

NOTE: I no longer use UltiSnips so the snippets might be different. Check out the UltiSnips folder to see available snippets.


Most of the available snippets will be listed below to showcase the generated code. Tabstops will be indicated with $TABSTOP or $NAME where $NAME is replaceable. $CFN or $CFN_ will indicate a snippet that uses the current file name to generate the code.

Some snippets support an "inline" version as where the const whatever = will be omitted. These snippets will be marked with ✨.

Javascript snippets are not shown since I really only use Typescript now, but they are generally the same without the type definitions included.

Table of Contents

Function Components

Function Component Export

fce ->

import { type ReactElement, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {
  children: ReactNode

export function $CFN(props: $CFN_Props): ReactElement {
  return <></>

Function Component Default Export

fcde ->

import { type ReactElement, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Props {
  children: ReactNode

export default function $CFN(props: $CFN_Props): ReactElement {
  return <></>

Simple Function Component Export

sfce ->

import { type ReactElement } from "react"

export function $CFN(): ReactElement {
  return <></>

Simple Function Component Default Export

sfcde ->

import { type ReactElement } from "react"

export default function $CFN(): ReactElement {
  return <></>

Forwarded Function Component Export

ffce ->

import { forwardRef, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFNProps {
  children: ReactNode

export const $CFN = forwardRef<HTML$TABSTOPElement, $CFN_Props>(
  function $CFN(props, ref) {
    return <div ref={ref}></div>

Forwarded Function Component Default Export

ffcde ->

import { forwardRef, type ReactNode } from "react"

export interface $CFNProps {
  children: ReactNode

export default forwardRef<HTML$TABSTOPElement, $CFN_Props>(
  function $CFN(props, ref) {
    return <div ref={ref}></div>

Hooks and Effects


useS ->

const [$STATE, set$STATE] = useState$TABSTOP($TABSTOP)


useRed ->

const [$STATE, $DISPATCH] = useReducer(function reducer(state: $STATE, action: $ACTION): $STATE {
  switch (action.type):
      return state


useE ->

useEffect(() => {
}, [])

useContext ✨

useC ->

const context = useContext($TABSTOP)

useCallback ✨

useCB ->

const $CALLBACK = useCallback(($TABSTOP) => {
}, [])

useMemo ✨

useM ->

const $MEMOIZED = useMemo(() => ({
}), [])

useMemo return (manual return required) ✨

useMR ->

const $MEMOIZED = useMemo(() => {
}, [])

useRef ✨

useR ->

const $REF = useRef$TABSTOP(TABSTOP)

Create Context Provider

ccp ->

import { createContext, useContext } from "react"

export interface $CFN_Context {}

const context = createContext<$CFN_Context | null>(null)
const { Provider } = context

export function use$CFN_Context(): $CFN_Context {
  const value = useContext(context)
  if (!value) {
    throw new Error("$CFN_Context must be initialized.")

  return value


useAppDispatch ✨

useD ->

const dispatch = useAppDispatch()

useSelector ✨

useSL ->

const $VALUE = useSelector(($STATE: AppState) => $SELECTOR)

useAppSelector ✨

useAS ->

const $VALUE = useAppSelector(($STATE) => $SELECTOR)


Destructured Const

dc ->

const { $TABSTOP } = $PROPS
 ^ trigger completion here

const { $TABSTOP } = useSomeHook()

Export Destructured Const

edc ->

const { $TABSTOP } = $PROPS


if ->



else ->

else $TABSTOP{

The if snippet can be triggered from the first tabstop to generate:

else if{


else if ($CONDITION) {


switch ->

switch ($KEY) {
  case $VALUE:

for loop

for ->

for (let $I = $0, $I < $LIST.length; $I++) {
  const $ITEM = $LIST[$I]


reduce ->

const $VALUE = $LIST.reduce<$TYPE_DEF>(($result, $item) => {
  return $RESULT


noop ->

const noop = (): void => {
  // do nothing


intf ->

export interface $CFN_$TABSTOP {


Block Comment

/** ->



@e ->

@example $EXAMPLE_NAME


@d ->

@defaultValue \`$TABSTOP\`


@s ->



Shortcut Nane Expands to
cl Console Log console.log($TABSTOP)
clv Console Log Variable console.log("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)
ce Console Error console.error($TABSTOP)
cev Console Error Variable console.error("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)
cw Console Warn console.warn($TABSTOP)
cwv Console Warn Variable console.warn("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)
ct Console Table console.table($TABSTOP)
cd Console Debug console.debug($TABSTOP)
cdv Console Debug Variable console.debug("$TABSTOP: ", $TABSTOP)

Note: The logging commands that end in a v will have the cursor at the second $TABSTOP instead of the first so that autocompletion will work.


Shortcut Name Expands to
imp Import import packageName from "package-name"
impf Import File import File from "./File"
impd Import Destructured import { destructured } from "package-or/path"
impp Import (Please?) import "./file"
icn Import Classnames import cn from "classnames"
icnb Import Cnbuilder import { cnb } from "cnbuilder"
ism Import Styles Module import styles from "./$CFN.module.scss"


Shortcut Name Expands to
exp Export export { default } from "./$CFN"
expf Export File export $TABSTOP from "./$TABSTOP"
expd Export Destructured export { $TABSTOP } from "./$TABSTOP"
expa Export All export * from "$TABSTOP"


Shortcut Expands to
dev process.env.NODE_ENV !== "production"
prod process.env.NODE_ENV === "production"


Describe a test

desc ->

describe('$CFN', () => {
  it('should $TABSTOP', () => {

it should...

it ->

it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

it should (async)...

ita ->

it("should $TABSTOP", async () => {

Test Expect

Shortcut Name Expands to
es Expect Snapshot expect(${container}).toMatchSnapshot()
ett Expect To Throw expect(() => $TABSTOP).toThrow()
entt Expect Not To Throw expect(() => $TABSTOP).not.toThrow()
enc Expect Not Called expect($TABSTOP).not.toHaveBeenCalled()
ecw Expect Called With expect($TABSTOP).toHaveBeenCalledWith($TABSTOP)
ect Expect Called Times expect($TABSTOP).toHaveBeenCalledTimes($TABSTOP)

Test Queries ✨

Shortcut Name Expands to
sgbr Screen Get By Role const $TABSTOP = screen.getByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })
sgbru Screen Get By Role (Unnamed) const $TABSTOP = screen.getByRole("${progressbar}")
sgbi Screen Get By testId const $TABSTOP = screen.getByTestId("$TABSTOP")
sgbt Screen Get By Text const $TABSTOP = screen.getByText("$TABSTOP")
sfbr Screen Find By Role const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })
sfbru Screen Find By Role (Unnamed) const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByRole("${progressbar}")
fbi Screen Find By testId const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByTestId("$TABSTOP")
fbt Screen Find By Text const $TABSTOP = await screen.findByText("$TABSTOP")
gbr Get By Role const $TABSTOP = getByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })
gbru Get By Role (Unnamed) const $TABSTOP = getByRole("${progressbar}")
gbi Get By testId const $TABSTOP = getByTestId("$TABSTOP")
gbt Get By Text const $TABSTOP = getByText("$TABSTOP")
fbr Find By Role const $TABSTOP = await findByRole("${button}", { name: "$TABSTOP" })
fbru Find By Role (Unnamed) const $TABSTOP = await findByRole("${progressbar}")
fbi Find By testId const $TABSTOP = await findByTestId("$TABSTOP")
fbt Find By Text const $TABSTOP = await findByText("$TABSTOP")

React Testing

React Test File

rtf ->

import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN"

describe("$CFN", () => {
  it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

React Test File (ESM)

rtfe ->

import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN.js"

describe("$CFN", () => {
  it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

Global Test File

gtf ->

import { describe, expect, it } from "${@jest/globals}"
import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN"

describe("$CFN", () => {
  it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

Global Test File (ESM)

gtfe ->

import { describe, expect, it } from "${@jest/globals}"
import { render, screen, userEvent } from "${@testing-library/react}"

import { $CFN } from "../$CFN.js"

describe("$CFN", () => {
  it("should $TABSTOP", () => {

User Event Test

uet ->

it("should $TABSTOP", async () => {
  const user = userEvent.setup()



wf ->

await waitFor(() => {

SCSS Snippets

Shortcut Name Expands to
use Use @use "$TABSTOP";
use* Use * @use "$TABSTOP" as *;
for Forward @forward "$TABSTOP" with ($TABSTOP);
pcs Prefers Color Scheme @media (prefers-color-scheme: $DARK) { $TABSTOP }


LuaSnip Template

local ls = require("luasnip")
local s = ls.snippet
local sn = ls.snippet_node
local isn = ls.indent_snippet_node
local t = ls.text_node
local i = ls.insert_node
local f = ls.function_node
local c = ls.choice_node
local d = ls.dynamic_node
local r = ls.restore_node
local events = require("")
local ai = require("luasnip.nodes.absolute_indexer")
local extras = require("luasnip.extras")
local l = extras.lambda
local rep = extras.rep
local p = extras.partial
local m = extras.match
local n = extras.nonempty
local dl = extras.dynamic_lambda
local fmt = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmt
local fmta = require("luasnip.extras.fmt").fmta
local conds = require("luasnip.extras.expand_conditions")
local postfix = require("luasnip.extras.postfix").postfix
local types = require("luasnip.util.types")
local parse = require("luasnip.util.parser").parse_snippet
local ms = ls.multi_snippet
local k = require("luasnip.nodes.key_indexer").new_key