
Custom Vitest matchers to test the state of the DOM, forked from jest-dom.

MIT License


[!IMPORTANT] When I created this package, @testing-library/jest-dom had been implemented in such a way that it was difficult to integrate with Vitest without bringing a lot of cruft from Jest, or foregoing proper types. This is no longer the case, and @testing-library/jest-dom appears to support both Jest and Vitest.

I recommend using that package instead of this one moving forward, as I'm unlikely to maintain this in the future.

This library is a fork of @testing-library/jest-dom. It shares that library's implementation and API. It is intended to make it easier to include its matchers without clashes between Vitest and Jest's environment or types.

See the README for the original package for usage details.


This module should be installed as one of your project's devDependencies:

# with npm
npm install --save-dev vitest-dom
# yarn
yarn add --dev vitest-dom
# pnpm
pnpm add --dev vitest-dom


Import the matchers from vitest-dom/matchers once (perferably in your tests setup file), then pass them to Vitest's expect.extend method:

// vitest-setup.js
import * as matchers from "vitest-dom/matchers";
import { expect } from "vitest";

// or:
import "vitest-dom/extend-expect";

// In vitest.config.js, add the following
export default defineConfig({
  test: {
    setupFiles: ["vitest-setup.js"],

With TypeScript

If you're using TypeScript, make sure your setup file has a .ts extension to include the necessary types.

If you import from vitest-dom/extend-expect to run expect.extend for you, you will get TypeScript support automatically.

// vitest-setup.ts
import "vitest-dom/extend-expect";

If you want to run extend.expect yourself, you will need to include the type defintions either with a /// <reference /> directive or including the type in your compilerOptions:

  1. In your test file via a reference directive:
    /// <reference types="vitest-dom/extend-expect" />
  2. In your tsconfig.json via the types compiler option:
      "compilerOptions": {
        "types": ["vitest-dom/extend-expect"]