
🦋 vLitejs is a fast and lightweight Javascript library for customizing video and audio player in Javascript with a minimalist theme (HTML5, Youtube, Vimeo, Dailymotion)

MIT License

vlite - 4.0.0

Published by yoriiis over 3 years ago

âš  Breaking changes

  • Rename window.vlitejs to window.Vlitejs to make sure the constructor name starts with a capital
  • Remove nativeControlsForTouch option
  • Remove data-options HTML attributes in favor of options from the JS constructor
  • Supports the latest 2 browsers versions with .browserslistrc
  • Remove the dist directory from GitHub, only available for NPM and CDN

New features

  • New design and new icons
  • Add Vimeo provider
  • Add Audio HTML5 provider
  • Add subtitle plugin
  • Add Picture-in-Picture plugin
  • Add a provider API to allow extension of current providers
  • Add a plugin API to allow extension of current plugins
  • Add sample-provider.js and sample-plugin.js for guidelines
  • Add multiple native Event fired on media actions (play, pause, etc.)
  • Add A11Y compatibility (<button>, <input type="range">, aria-*, :focus-visible)
  • Add the volume up/down shortcuts
  • Update HTML attributes from options and vice versa (autoplay, playsinline, muted, loop)


  • Convert to Typescript
  • Replace Travis by GitHub Action
  • Update to webpack v5
  • Update Babel config and .browserslistrc
  • Move formatVideoTime, checkSupportFullScreen, isTouch to utils
  • Split code into components (loader, overlay, big-play, poster, control-bar)
  • Remove MkDocs and docs directory, all docs are available in README files in the repository


  • Fix the loop and muted attributes
vlite - 3.0.3

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago


  • Fixed strict node engine version break with different node version (#7)
vlite - 3.0.2

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago


  • Update docs and add .eslintignore
vlite - 3.0.1

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago


  • Update engines in package.json (node and npm)
vlite - 3.0.0

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago

New features

  • Add all sources of the vLitejs project, including:
    • CSS
    • JS
    • Documentation with MkDocs build
    • Webpack configuration
    • Examples
  • New folder structure
  • Add ESLint with Standard JS on the project with associated npm scripts
  • Add StyleLint configuration on the project with associated npm scripts
  • Add Babel configuration on the project
  • Add postCSS configuration on the project
  • Add browserslistrc files for browsers support
  • Add Travis builds: stylelint, eslint and mkdocs build
  • Add JSDoc configuration file and all code comments
  • Add Material for MkDocs to build the documentation website
  • Add Webpack configuration
  • Add ./examples folder with vLitejs examples
  • Add .github folder with ISSUE_TEMPLATE and PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE
  • Add ./dist folder with vLitejs assets
  • Add CHANGELOG file
  • Add .editorconfig file


  • Remove specific build file for html5 player only or youtube player only. We keep only one bundle compatible with html5 and youtube


  • Rename the export of the vLite constructor to vlitejs
  • Rename timeline option to progressBar
  • Rename callback option to onReady
  • Rename CSS class prefixes from .vl- to .v-
  • Rename all CSS class with FUN methodology


  • Fix autoplay option that does not work with browser policy without user gesture. Muted option is forced to solved the problem.
vlite - 2.0.1

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago

New features

  • Add playsinline support
  • Add fast-forward on the video (+ or - 10s) only on no touch devices


  • Optimize unBindEvents function


  • Fix bug with native control for touch devices
vlite - 2.0.0

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago

New features

  • Add prefix .vl- before all CSS classes use by vLite to prevent conflicts
  • Add keyboard shortcut (spacebar) to control the video
  • Add option autoHide to hide the control bar if the user is inactive
  • Add loader linked to seeking and seeked events
vlite - 1.1.2

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago

New features

  • Add progress bar hover and transition


  • Prevent click catch by Youtube iframe which block player click
vlite - 1.1.1

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago

New features

  • Add UMD compatibility
  • Add package on npm
vlite - 1.1.0

Published by yoriiis almost 5 years ago

New features

  • First release of vLitejs
  • Update README