
A small, slick, library independent YouTube User/Playlist player



A small, slick, library independent YouTube User/Playlist player


  • Library Independent
  • Customizable via CSS
  • Autoplay
  • Remove YouTube Chrome
  • Supports Playlists and Users
  • jQuery Support
  • Module Support



Include both the ytv.css and ytv.js in your HTML file and you are good to go.

<link href="src/ytv.css" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="src/ytv.js" type="text/javascript"></script>


After your page has loaded, you may call the script like so:

var controller = new YTV(element, {
	user: 'YoutubeUsername'

YTV accepts two parameters. The first is a string of the element ID you want to use as the player, OR it may the element itself. The second parameter is an object of options defined below:

Settings and Defaults

settings = {
    element: null,
    user: null,
    playlist: '',
    fullscreen: false,
    accent: '#fff',
    controls: true,
    annotations: false,
    autoplay: false,
    chainVideos: true,
    browsePlaylists: false,
    wmode: 'opaque',
    events: {
        videoReady: function(){},
        stateChange: function(){}
  • element: The element or element ID to apply the YouTube TV Player to
  • user: (String) The Username of the YouTube user you want to display videos from
  • playlist: (String) The Playlist ID you would like to load (Overrides user)
  • browsePlaylists: (Boolean) If true and the specified user has YouTube playlists, they will be accessible in the player by clicking the users Username
  • fullscreen: (Boolean) If true, the player will take up all the available space on the users browser screen
  • accent: (String) A CSS color string to apply to the accents of the player
  • controls: (Boolean) If false, the normal YouTube controls will be hidden.
  • annotations: (Boolean) If false, the annotations from the YouTube video will be hidden
  • autoplay: (Boolean) If true, the first video in the list will automatically play once the player has loaded
  • chainVideos: (Boolean) If true, the next video in que will automatically play after the current video has completed
  • wmode: (String) Sets the Window Mode property for transparency, layering, and positioning in the browser. Values can be: window - movie plays in its own rectangular window on a web page. opaque - the movie hides everything on the page behind it. transparent - the background of the HTML page shows through all transparent portions of the movie, this may slow animation performance.
  • events: The respective events will fire when key actions in the player have been called

Public Methods


Destroys the YouTube TV Player and all associated elements/events



Returns true if in Fullscreen Mode



Enters into Fullscreen Mode



Exits Fullscreen Mode


jQuery Support

YTV may be used as a jQuery plugin in the following fashion:



MIT Licensing

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