


All example code stands under Apache License 2

What is Jeannie?

We from Pannous developed several features for our Voice Agent called Jeannie, which is available for Android, Mac and iOS:

https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pannous.voice.actions.free http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/voice-actions/id528557334 http://itunes.apple.com/app/voice-actions/id422037126?mt=8

What is the android-service-example?

In the example you see how to use our voice actions service from android.


  1. clone the repository
  2. Import into Eclipse (do you need NetBeans support too?)
  3. Run & Try out

What is the android-plugin?

This is a demo of how to extend Jeannie - for Android only at the moment. With the server its possible to send your spoken words from Jeannie to any browser!


  1. Download and install Jeannie https://market.android.com/details?id=com.pannous.voice.actions.free&hl=en

  2. Create an Android project and install plugin4android on your Android device. Customize the IP to point to the local node.js server. Otherwise it will use our test instance at jetsli.de:3000

  3. Optionally: Install nodejs v0.6.2 and npm for the server. Then install the following packages: express jade nib socket.io stylus Then start the node.js server

  4. Now start the web2voice plugin and click the button. Start a browser (which supports web sockets) on any operating system and point it to http://jetsli.de:3000 or your custom address. Your spoken words should pop up in (near) real time in the browser!

  5. Put the server anywhere on the web and impress your friends!


Add more tests and features if you like! The jasmine tests are located at /spec/*.spec.js


Let us know your idea we'll mention it here and/or fork it and we might even incorporate it into the official Jeannie etc!