
WebGL only 2D game engine using Godot as the visual editor

MIT License



Use Godot as visual editor but write game in TypeScript, a magic web game framework :)


Install build dependencies: yarn or npm install


npm run start: start dev server with live-reloading

npm run build: build for production and copy media with compiled scripts to dist, also generate .br and .gz for files.

Godot Importer

You can edit scenes from Godot and then use the importer to convert project setting and scenes to JSON, which will then be loaded automatically. Voltar editor is deprecated in favor of the workflow with Godot and importer.

Rules for Godot support

  1. Scenes should be saved into the assets/scene, and uses assets located inside assets folder.

  2. Textures should ALWAYS go into assets/image/* and uses the texture packer to generated atlas exported to media folder. Otherwise it won't work.

  3. Single images that will be copied into media folder should be put in the assets/image/standalone folder, so they will be copied automatically (even after you modified).

  4. Bitmap font with BMFont format added to assets/bitmapfont will be automatically convert and copy to media folder too.

  5. 3D data formats like .dae, .fbx, .gltf and .obj are not supported. But those are still usable by SAVE imported mesh data as ".tscn" manually. So basically any format supported by Godot become YES \o/


Make sure you've installed dependencies of the importer. In case you're not: cd tscn && yarn or cd tscn && npm install

Setup Godot project (from project settings)

Create scenes, and save them into the assets/scene folder

Run node tscn/main to convert project settings and scenes to JSON file, and then import these files or preload them as assets in your code. (in VSCode you can press F5, and find configs in Jetbrains IDEs)

Supported Godot features

Most 2D features and basic 3D support (no 3D physics and particles yet). Custom shader supported in a level (may not work with complex shaders right now).

  • screen stretch mode/aspect
  • CanvasLayer
  • ParallaxBackground
  • ParallaxLayer
  • Camera2D
  • Path2D
  • Node2D
  • YSort
  • RemoteTransform2D
  • VisibilityNotifier2D
  • Timer
  • Sprite
  • Control, Container and most GUI nodes
  • Label
  • TextureButton
  • TextureProgress
  • TextureRect
  • NinePatchRect
  • AnimatedSprite
  • AnimationPlayer
  • Tween (tweens are no longer nodes, they are just data and runs through tweens)
  • Input
  • CPUParticle2D
  • TileMap
  • Area2D
  • RayCast2D
  • StaticBody2D
  • KinematicBody2D
  • shapes, font, curve
  • Viewport
  • Spatial
  • Camera
  • MeshInstance with primitive meshes and mesh with escn format
  • Cube, Quad and Plane primitive meshes
  • Skeleton and skeleton animation
  • DirectionalLight with shadow
  • SpotLight (no shadow support yet)
  • OmniLight with shadow support (not perfect but fast)
  • RichTextLabel (WIP)
  • RigidBody2D (WIP)

Optimize build size

  1. comment unused exports in engine/index to disable modules not used
  2. uncomment export of PhysicsServer2D in engine/servers/physics_2d to enable physics support
  3. uncomment code to replace usage of earcut in engine/servers/visual/visual_server_canvas for 2D polygon rendering
  4. uncomment export of AudioServer in engine/audio/index to enable audio support