
VS Code extension for Typst math calculating, includes Arithmetic, Calculous, Matrix, Custom Variances and Funcions by yourself

MIT License


Typst Sympy Calculator


Typst Sympy Calculator parses typst math expressions and converts it into the equivalent SymPy form. Then, calculate it and convert to typst result.

It is designed for providing people writing in typst a ability to calculate something when writing math expression. It is based on Python, Sympy and typst-sympy-calculator module.

PS: If you want to install the extension, PLEASE READ THE INSTALL DESCRIPTION!


  • Default Math:
    • Arithmetic: Add (+), Sub (-), Dot Mul (dot), Cross Mul (times), Frac (/), Power (^), Abs (|x|), Sqrt (sqrt), etc...
    • Alphabet: a - z, A - Z, alpha - omega, Subscript (x_1), Accent Bar(hat(x)), etc...
    • Common Functions: gcd, lcm, floor, ceil, max, min, log, ln, exp, sin, cos, tan, csc, sec, cot, arcsin, sinh, arsinh, etc...
    • Funcion Symbol: f(x), f(x-1,), g(x,y), etc...
    • Calculous: Limit lim_(x -> oo) 1/x, Integration integral_1^2 x dif x, etc...
    • Calculous: Derivation (dif/(dif x) (x^2 + 1) is not supported, but you can use derivative(expr, var) instead), etc...
    • Reduce: Sum sum_(k=1)^oo (1/2)^k, Product product_(k=1)^oo (1/2)^k, etc...
    • Eval At: Evalat x^2 bar_(x = 2), x^2 "|"_(x = 2), etc...
    • Linear Algebra: Matrix to raw echelon form rref, Determinant det, Transpose ^T, Inverse ^(-1), etc...
    • Relations: ==, >, >=, <, <=, etc...
    • Solve Equation: Single Equation x + 1 = 2, Multiple Equations cases(x + y = 1, x - y = 2), etc...
    • Logical: and, or, not, etc...
    • Set Theory: in, sect, union, subset, etc...
    • Other: Binomial binom(n, k) ...
  • Custom Math (in typst file):
    • Define Accents: #let acc(x) = math.accent(x, math.grave)
    • Define Operators: #let add = math.op("add")
    • Define Symbols: #let xy = math.italic("xy") or #let mail = symbol("🖂", ("stamped", "🖃"),)
    • Define Functions:
      # typst-calculator
      def convert_add(a, b):
          return a + b
  • Typst Math Printer:
    • Complete TypstMathPrinter in TypstConverter.py
    • Custom Printer for TypstCalculator.py and TypstCalculatorServer.py
  • VS Code Extension:
    • Develop a VS Code Extension for Typst Calculator





Before you use the extension, please install python and two python modules: typst-sympy-calculator and Flask.

Install Python in Python.org, and then install NECESSARY modules by running:

pip install typst-sympy-calculator
pip install Flask

Then import the typst template file typst-sympy-calculator.typ into your typst file. It will be like:

#import "typst-sympy-calculator.typ": *

This step is not necessary, but it can provide you with examples of custom functions.


Typst to Typst

You can SELECT some text, and press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + E (equal) to get the result of the selected Typst text. It will be like:

// Before
$ integral x dif x $

// After
$ integral x dif x = 1/2 x^2 $

You can SELECT some text, and press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + R (replace) to get the result of the selected Typst text. It will be like:

// Before
$ integral x dif x $

// After
$ 1/2 x^2 $

Factor and Expand

You can SELECT some text, and press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + F (factor) to get the factor of the selected Typst text. It will be like:

// Before
$ x^2 + 2 x y + y^2 $

// After
$ (x + y)^2 $

If you are using windows, the shortcut Shift + Ctrl + Alt + F may be invalid, you can set another shortcut for it.

You can SELECT some text, and press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + X (expand) to get the expand of the selected Typst text. It will be like:

// Before
$ (x + y)^2 $

// After
$ x^2 + 2 x y + y^2 $

Typst to Numerical Result

You can SELECT some text, and press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + N (numerical) to get the numerical result of the selected Typst text. It will be like:

// Before

// After

Solve Equations and Inequations

You can SELECT some text, and press Shift + Ctrl + Alt + S (solve) to solve the equations of the selected Typst text. It will be like:

// Before
x + y = 1

// After
y = 1 - x, x = 1 - y

// Before
cases(x + y = 1, x - y = 1)

// After
cases(x = 1, y = 0)

// Before
x + 3 < 1

// After
-oo < x and x < -2


You can ASSIGN variance a value using same assignment form in typst:

#let x = 1

// Before
$ x $

// Shift + Ctrl + E
// After
$ x = 1 $

PS: You can use grammar like y == x + 1 to describe the relation of equality.

If you want to see the bonding of variances, you can press Shift + Ctrl + P, and input typst-sympy-calculator: Show Current variances, then you will get data like:

y = x + 1
z = 2 x


You can DEFINE a function using same form in typst:

#let f = math.op("f")

// Before
$ f(1) + f(1) $

// Shift + Ctrl + E
// After
$ f(1) + f(1) = 2 f(1) $


You can DEFINE a symbol using same form in typst:

#let xy = math.italic("xy")
#let email = symbol("🖂", ("stamped", "🖃"),)

$ xy + email + email.stamped $


You can DEFINE a accent using same form in typst:

#let acc(x) = math.accent(x, math.grave)

$ acc(x) $

Decorators for Operators

You can DEFINE a operator using same form in typst:

#let add = math.op("+")

def convert_add(a, b):
    return a + b

// Before
$ 1 add 1 $

// Shift + Ctrl + E
// After
$ 1 add 1 = 2 $

Or just use '''typst-sympy-calculator or '''python \n # typst-calculator to define a operator.

there are some decorators you can use:

  • @operator(type='ADDITIVE_OP', convert_ast=convert_ast, name=name, ast=False): Define a common operator;
  • @func(): Define a function, receive args list;
  • @func_mat(): Define a matrix function, receive single arg matrix;
  • @constant(): Define a constant, receive no args but only return a constant value;
  • @relation_op(): Define a relation operator, receive args a and b;
  • @additive_op(): Define a additive operator, receive args a and b;
  • @mp_op(): Define a multiplicative operator, receive args a and b;
  • @postfix_op(): Define a postfix operator, receive args a;
  • @reduce_op(): Define a reduce operator, receive args expr and args = (symbol, sub, sup);

It is important that the function name MUST be def convert_{operator_name}, or you can use decorator arg @func(name='operator_name'), and the substring _dot_ will be replaced by ..

There are some examples (from DefaultTypstCalculator.py):

# Functions
def convert_binom(n, k):
    return sympy.binomial(n, k)

# Matrix
def convert_mat(mat):
    return sympy.Matrix(mat)

# Constants
def convert_oo():
    return sympy.oo

# Relation Operators
def convert_eq(a, b):
    return sympy.Eq(a, b)

# Additive Operators
def convert_plus(a, b):
    return a + b

# Mp Operators
def convert_times(a, b):
    return a * b

# Postfix Operators
def convert_degree(expr):
    return expr / 180 * sympy.pi

# Reduces
def convert_sum(expr, args):
    # symbol, sub, sup = args
    return sympy.Sum(expr, args)


You can calculate a python expression by Shift + Ctrl + Alt + P.

You can use all sympy expression in it.

For example, you can get variances you assigned by:

# Before

# After
typst(var['y']) = x + 1

Calculator the roots of the equation:

# Before
sympy.solve([2 * x - y - 3, 3 * x + y - 7],[x, y])

# After
sympy.solve([2 * x - y - 3, 3 * x + y - 7],[x, y]) = {x: 2, y: 1}



This project is licensed under the MIT License.