
Unofficial Vue2 integration for Apollo

MIT License


Apollo in Vue


npm install okoala/vue-apollo --save

ApolloClient . more in the apollo doc.

import { VueApollo } from 'okoala/vue-apollo'

  shouldBatch: true

ApolloClient :



import ApolloClient from 'apollo-client'

VueApollo.client = new ApolloClient(options)

new Vue({
    apollo: {
      // Apollo specific options

this.$apollo.client apollo-client .

user (root, args, context) {
  // id
  if (context.user._id === {
    return context.user


In the data object, add an attribute for each property you want to feed with the result of an Apollo query.

Simple query

Put the gql query directly as the value:

apollo: {
  // Non-reactive query
  data: {
    // Simple query that will update the 'hello' vue property
    hello: gql`{hello}`


data () {
  return {
    hello: ''


export const schema = `
type Query {
  hello: String

schema {
  query: Query

export const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    hello(root, args, context) {
      return "Hello world!"

, apollo doc.


  <div class="apollo">

Query with parameters

You can add variables (read parameters) to your gql query by declaring query and variables in an object:

// Apollo-specific options
apollo: {
  // Non-reactive query
  data: {
    // Query with parameters
    ping: {
      // gql query
      query: gql`query PingMessage($message: String!) {
        ping(message: $message)
      // Static parameters
      variables: {
        message: 'Meow'

apollo options:

  • forceFetch
  • fragments

, apollo doc.

, forceFetch:

apollo: {
  data: {
    // Query with parameters
    ping: {
      query: gql`query PingMessage($message: String!) {
        ping(message: $message)
      variables: {
        message: 'Meow'
      forceFetch: true
data () {
  return {
    // Initialize your apollo data
    ping: ''
export const schema = `
type Query {
  ping(message: String!): String

schema {
  query: Query

export const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    ping(root, { message }, context) {
      return `Answering ${message}`
  <div class="apollo">

Reactive parameters

Use a function instead to make the parameters reactive with vue properties:

// Apollo-specific options
apollo: {
  // Non-reactive query
  data: {
    // Query with parameters
    ping: {
      query: gql`query PingMessage($message: String!) {
        ping(message: $message)
      // Reactive parameters
      variables() {
        // Use vue reactive properties here
        return {
            message: this.pingInput

This will re-fetch the query each time a parameter changes, for example:

  <div class="apollo">
    <input v-model="pingInput" placeholder="Enter a message" />

Advanced options

These are the available advanced options you can use:

  • update(data) {return ...} to customize the value that is set in the vue property, for example if the field names don't match
  • result(data) is a hook called when a result is received
  • error(errors, type) is a hook called when there are errors, type value can either be 'sending' or 'execution'
  • loadingKey will update the component data property you pass as the value. You should initialize this property to 0 in the component data() hook. When the query is loading, this property will be incremented by 1 and as soon as it no longer is, the property will be decremented by 1. That way, the property can represent a counter of currently loading queries.
  • watchLoading(isLoading, countModifier) is a hook called when the loading state of the query changes. The countModifier parameter is either equal to 1 when the query is now loading, or -1 when the query is no longer loading.
// Apollo-specific options
apollo: {
  // Non-reactive query
  data: {
    // Advanced query with parameters
    // The 'variables' method is watched by vue
    pingMessage: {
      query: gql`query PingMessage($message: String!) {
        ping(message: $message)
      // Reactive parameters
      variables() {
        // Use vue reactive properties here
        return {
            message: this.pingInput
      // We use a custom update callback because
      // the field names don't match
      // By default, the 'pingMessage' attribute
      // would be used on the 'data' result object
      // Here we know the result is in the 'ping' attribute
      // considering the way the apollo server works
      update(data) {
        // The returned value will update
        // the vue property 'pingMessage'
      // Optional result hook
      result(data) {
        console.log("We got some result!")
      // Error handling
      error(errors, type) {
        console.error(`We've got ${errors.length} errors of type '${type}'`)
      // Loading state
      // loadingKey is the name of the data property
      // that will be incremented when the query is loading
      // and decremented when it no longer is.
      loadingKey: 'loadingQueriesCount',
      // watchLoading will be called whenever the loading state changes
      watchLoading(isLoading, countModifier) {
        // isLoading is a boolean
        // countModifier is either 1 or -1

Reactive Queries

For now, the reactivity in apollo is quite limited, since you can only do polling.

For more info, see the apollo doc.

Add your queries in a watch object instead of data:

// Apollo-specific options
apollo: {
  // Reactive query
  watch: {
    // 'tags' data property on vue instance
    tags: {
      query: gql`{
        tags {
      pollInterval: 300 // ms

You can use the following apollo options:

  • forceFetch
  • returnPartialData
  • pollInterval
  • fragments

See the apollo doc for more details.

You can also use the advanced options detailed above, like result or watchLoading.

Here is how the server-side looks like:

export const schema = `
type Tag {
  id: Int
  label: String

type Query {
  tags: [Tag]

schema {
  query: Query

// Fake word generator
import casual from 'casual';

// Let's generate some tags
var id = 0;
var tags = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 42; i++) {

function addTag(label) {
  let t = {
    id: id++,
  return t;

export const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    tags(root, args, context) {
      return tags;


Mutations are queries that changes your data state on your apollo server. For more info, visit the apollo doc.

methods: {
  addTag() {
    // Mutate the tags data
    // You can also use this.$apollo.client.mutate
      mutation: gql`mutation AddTag($label: String!) {
        addTag(label: $label) {
      // Parameters
      variables: {
        label: this.tagLabel
    }).then((data) => {
      // Result
      this.tagLabel = '';
    }).catch((error) => {
      // Error


export const schema = `
type Tag {
  id: Int
  label: String

type Query {
  tags: [Tag]

type Mutation {
  addTag(label: String!): Tag

schema {
  query: Query
  mutation: Mutation

// Fake word generator
import faker from 'faker';

// Let's generate some tags
var id = 0;
var tags = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 42; i++) {

function addTag(label) {
  let t = {
    id: id++,
  return t;

export const resolvers = {
  Query: {
    tags(root, args, context) {
      return tags;
  Mutation: {
    addTag(root, { label }, context) {
      console.log(`adding tag '${label}'`);
      return addTag(label);