
Vue plugin for inline replacement of SVG images with actual content of SVG files.

MIT License



Vue plugin for inline replacement of SVG images with actual content of SVG files.

⚠ Reactive Vue bindings won't be transfered to SVG replacement.

SVG files should be optimized beforehand (e.g.: using SVGO or SVGOMG).

Placeholder images should be optimized beforehand (e.g.: using pngquant or TinyPNG / TinyJPG).

Compatible with Vue@2 and Vue@3.

Table of contents:


Package managers

$ npm install vue-svg-inline-plugin --save
$ yarn add vue-svg-inline-plugin

Legacy browsers

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

Modern browsers

This version is not transpiled and does not include any polyfills.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>


Webpack based Vue projects (e.g.: Webpack or Vue CLI) and Vite projects

// Vue@2

// import basic Vue app
import Vue from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

// import Vue plugin
import VueSvgInlinePlugin from "vue-svg-inline-plugin";

// import polyfills for IE if you want to support it
import "vue-svg-inline-plugin/src/polyfills";

// use Vue plugin without options

// use Vue plugin with options
VueSvgInlinePlugin.install(Vue, {
	attributes: {
		data: [ "src" ],
		remove: [ "alt" ]

// initialize and mount Vue app
new Vue({
	render: h => h(App),
// Vue@3

// import basic Vue app
import { createApp } from "vue";
import App from "./App.vue";

// import Vue plugin
import VueSvgInlinePlugin from "vue-svg-inline-plugin";

// import polyfills for IE if you want to support it
import "vue-svg-inline-plugin/src/polyfills";

// initialize Vue app
const app = createApp(App);

// use Vue plugin without options

// use Vue plugin with options
app.use(VueSvgInlinePlugin, {
	attributes: {
		data: [ "src" ],
		remove: [ "alt" ]

// mount Vue app


// Vue@2

// use Vue plugin without options

// use Vue plugin with options
VueSvgInlinePlugin.install(Vue, {
	attributes: {
		data: [ "src" ],
		remove: [ "alt" ]

// initialize and mount Vue app
new Vue({ /* options */ }).$mount("#app");
// Vue@3

// initialize Vue app
const app = Vue.createApp({ /* options */ });

// use Vue plugin without options

// use Vue plugin with options
app.use(VueSvgInlinePlugin, {
	attributes: {
		data: [ "src" ],
		remove: [ "alt" ]

// mount Vue app


Directive name can be changed via options.

v-svg-inline directive:

<img v-svg-inline class="icon" src="./images/example.svg" alt="example svg image" />

Replaces into:

<svg xmlns="" viewBox="..." class="icon" focusable="false" role="presentation" tabindex="-1">
	<path d="..."></path>
	<!-- ... -->

v-svg-inline directive with sprite modifier:

⚠ Note, that for now, the viewBox property is not being applied on the <svg> link node. This can cause issues when having icons differently sized in your UI. For the most icon-systems, you can add a viewBox="0 0 24 24" by yourself onto the <img> node or use attributes.add option.

Fixed in version 2.1.0, use attributes.clone option.

<img v-svg-inline.sprite class="icon" src="./images/example.svg" alt="example svg image" />

Replaces into:

<svg xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="" viewBox="..." class="icon" focusable="false" role="presentation" tabindex="-1">
	<use xlink:href="#svg-inline-plugin-sprite-<NUMBER>" href="#svg-inline-plugin-sprite-<NUMBER>"></use>
<!-- ... -->
<!-- injected before body closing tag -->
<svg xmlns="" style="display: none !important;">
	<symbol id="svg-inline-plugin-sprite-<NUMBER>" xmlns="" viewBox="...">
		<path d="..."></path>
		<!-- ... -->

Lazy loading

This plugin supports lazy (down)loading of SVG files. To enable it, rename src attribute to data-src. Please also provide placeholder image, which should be located in src attribute to avoid broken image icons in browsers.


Default options

	directive: {
		name: "v-svg-inline",
		spriteModifierName: "sprite"
	attributes: {
		clone: [ "viewbox" ],
		merge: [ "class", "style" ],
		add: [ {
			name: "focusable",
			value: false
		}, {
			name: "role",
			value: "presentation"
		}, {
			name: "tabindex",
			value: -1
		} ],
		data: [],
		remove: [ "alt", "src", "data-src" ]
	cache: {
		version: "<PACKAGE_VERSION>",
		persistent: true,
		removeRevisions: true
	intersectionObserverOptions: {},
	axios: null,
	xhtml: false


  • Defines directive name (lowercase string), which marks images you want to replace with inline SVGs.

  • directive.spriteModifierName: Defines directive modifier name (lowercase string), which together with marks images you want to replace with inline SVGs using inline SVG sprites.

  • attributes.clone: Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be cloned into SVG link node if using inline SVG sprites.

  • attributes.merge: Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be merged.

  • attributes.add: Array of attributes (objects with name (lowercase string) and value (string) properties), which should be added. If attribute already exists, it will be merged or skipped depending on attributes.merge option.

  • Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be transformed into data-attributes. If data-attribute already exists, it will be merged or skipped depending on attributes.merge option.

  • attributes.remove: Array of attributes (lowercase strings) which should be removed.

  • cache.version: Defines cache version (lowercase string or number).

  • cache.persistent: Boolean. Cache downloaded SVG files into local storage.

  • cache.removeRevisions: Boolean. Remove previous cache revisions from local storage.

  • intersectionObserverOptions: Intersection observer options object for processing image nodes. This option is not validated. Official documentation.

  • axios: Axios instance with pre-configured options. If omitted, new axios instance (if axios available) will be created. Official documentation.

  • xhtml: Boolean. In XHTML mode attribute minimization is forbidden. Empty attributes are filled with their names to be XHTML-compliant (e.g.: disabled="disabled").


  • User-defined options are deep-merged with default options. Arrays are not concatenated.

  • Attributes options are executed in this order: clone > merge > add > data > remove.


Required polyfills for IE:

