
Project that supports Material Design (thru Vuetify), Electron, and Webpack (started using vue-cli)

APACHE-2.0 License




This project is a template that is built using vue-cli-3 which allows for the use of Webpack, Vue, Vuetify (Material Design), and Electron (along w/ lodash, and axios).

Run the project

Task Command
Project setup npm install
Compiles and hot-reloads for development npm run serve
Compiles and minifies for production npm run build
Lints and fixes files npm run lint

Instructions on getting started w/ Vue-cli3, electron, vuetify

Install vue-cli-3

  2. npm install -g @vue/cli

Setup the new project

  1. vue create vue_app
  2. cd vue_app
  3. vue add electron-builder
  4. vue add vuetify

Run the project

  1. in electron - npm run serve:electron
  2. in browser - npm run serve

Add deps

  1. npm add axios lodash
  2. Use them by doing a simple import (eg in main.js, import _ from 'lodash';)

References / Documentation