
A very simple but powerful state management for vuejs projects.


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A Simple but Powerful State Management for Vue.js projects.

Vuez is a very simple but powerful state management library for Vue.js projects.

Vuez is currently under development, and the document would be updated regularly as the project is improved. For any advice or requirements, please kindly give issues, PR, or directly contact me by email. Thanks a lot:)


Task list for Vuez release v0.1

  • Backward compatibility for vue 1.x
  • Better interigation with Vue's lifecycle API
  • End to end tests
  • Use eslint
  • Use flow
  • Naive debugger tools with {debug: true} option on when initialize
  • Auto observe without explicitly call .observe? (idea)
  • Migrate to Typescript if it can reduce bugs? (idea)

Do you know Vuex? What's the difference?

Some peers have mentioned about the confusing difference between Vuez and Vuex. I'd like to say that for these developers below, please skip Vuez and use Vuex, at least for now:

  1. Developers for commercial or governmental projects. Vuex is the official choice for Vue.js projects, with official and long-term support. You shouldn't consider Vuez for now as it doesn't have so much quality guarantee and document supports.

  2. Developers in team more than 3 people. The core of Vuez is the 'observing table' with observed names on it. For a large-scaled team, it might cause bugs when collaborating, because Vuez has very little limitations on the usage of the store object. A team should consider Vuex, as Vuex has the 'modules' structure which I think is suitable for a team. And codes in Vuex projects are always easier to merge (in my experience).

However, if you're not one of those developers I listed above, and you want to keep things as simple as possible when facing state management, use Vuez cause it's really simple. You can check the example projects for that simplicity. Just keep the 'table' in mind when developing, and that's enough.

And if you faced any issues in your project, please kindly give them to me, or help Vuez with a PR yourself :). I know it's a no-mainstream and not-so-stable choice, but I do think that it has its own advantages, and can become a cool helper in your Vue.js projects.

Steps for Vuez

  1. Install following the 'Installation' part

  2. In somewhere you want to trigger an action after a change event, use

this.$store.action('action_name', (params)=>{
    //do something

How to define the 'change event'? Simple, by calling

this.$store.observe('action_name', params);

Then it's done! :)


As always, vuez can be installed through npm or yarn.

npm install vuez --save


yarn add vuez

When used with a module system, you must explicitly install Vuez by calling Vue.use():

import Vue from 'vue'
import Vuez from 'vuez'

const store = new Vuez.Store(); // initialize a new store

new Vue({
		store: store,  // and use the store
		el: '#app',
		render: h => h(App)

And then please follow the 'Basic usage' part to use Vuez.

Explain API

In short, Vuez is a centralized monitoring 'store' which is accessible for all your Vue components after installing Vuez. From each component, you can access the store through this.$store.

The store concept in Vuez is very simple, imagine an excel table with three columns: 'name', 'object', 'actions'. Whenever you are interested in monitoring an object or an event, start a new column in the table with a new name, with an object you plan to monitor. Then put everything you want to do when the object changed, as functions in the 'actions' column. Everytime you want to care about the 'name', you use store.observe(this_name) to observe it, if the object column's value has changed, all actions related to the name would be triggered.

It has only two set of APIs:

  1. observe/unobserve

    • store.observe(name, observing_object), takes two parameters: name is a string for the observer, and observing_object is an object to observe.

    If a name is firstly created as an observer's name (firstly used in observe function), the object would be recorded.

    Then everytime whenever the observe function is called with the name, all actions with the name would be triggered if and only if the observing_object is changed.

    • store.unobserve(name) would cancel every action and observers related to the name.
  2. action

    • store.action(name, action_function), takes two parameters: name is a string for the observer, and action_function is the function to act when the object is changed during an 'observe'.

    The action_function here can have a parameter representing the current object value of the observing object.

With these simple APIs, Vuez can deal with many troublesome event handling such as data communication, monitoring data change, etc.

Simple example

After installing Vuez, let's make a simple observed object here.

// Make sure to call Vue.use(Vuez) first before usage

const store = new Vuez.Store();
let changingObject = {
    number: 1
store.action('changing', (obj) => {
observeObject.number = 2;
store.observe('changing', changingObject);  // trigger the action and console would show '2'

Example projects

Code is always better then plain explanation. Please check the Vue.js todolist app project using vuez, by running npm run dev.


Please check the document through wiki.
