
Feature-rich lightweight WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) Javascript implementation

MIT License




Amazingly fast, feature-rich, lightweight and zero dependency (by default) WAMP (Web Application Messaging Protocol) Javascript client (for browser and node.js)

Table of Contents


Wampy.js is javascript library, that runs both in browser and node.js environments, and even in react native environment. It implements WAMP v2 specification on top of WebSocket object, also provides additional features like auto-reconnecting. It has no external dependencies (by default) and is easy to use. Also, it provides (starting from v7.1) command line wamp client which can be extremely helpful in quick check/debug existing WAMP-based APIs.

Wampy.js supports the following WAMP roles and features:

  • Authentication:
    • Ticket-based Authentication
    • Challenge Response Authentication (wampcra method)
    • Cryptosign-based Authentication (cryptosign method)
  • publisher:
    • subscriber black-white listing
    • publisher exclusion
    • publisher identification
    • payload passthru mode
    • event retention
  • subscriber:
    • pattern-based subscription
    • publication trust levels
    • publisher identification
    • payload passthru mode
    • event retention
  • caller:
    • caller identification
    • progressive call invocations
    • progressive call results
    • call canceling
    • call timeout
    • payload passthru mode
  • callee:
    • caller identification
    • progressive call invocations
    • progressive call results
    • call trust levels
    • pattern-based registration
    • shared registration
    • payload passthru mode

Wampy supports the following serializers:

  • JSON (default, native)
  • MsgPack (See MessagePack Site for more info)
  • CBOR (See CBOR Site for more info)
  • Any new serializer can be easily added

In node.js environment Wampy is compatible with the following websocket clients:

  • WebSocket-Node. A WebSocket Implementation for Node.js (Draft-08 through the final RFC 6455)
  • ws. Simple to use, blazing fast and thoroughly tested WebSocket client and server for Node.js

For convenience, all API documentation is also available as a GitBook here.

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Usage example

const wampy = new Wampy('/ws/', { realm: 'AppRealm' });

try {
    await wampy.connect();
} catch (e) {
    console.log('connection failed', e);

try {
    await wampy.subscribe('system.monitor.update', (eventData) => {
         console.log('Received event:', eventData);
} catch (e) {
    console.log('subscription failed', e);

try {
    const res = await wampy.call('get.server.time');
    console.log('RPC called. Server time:', res.argsDict.serverTime);
} catch (e) {
    console.log('RPC call failed', e);

// Somewhere else for example
await wampy.publish('system.monitor.update');

// or just ignore promise if you don't need it
wampy.publish('client.message', 'Hi guys!');

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Wampy.js can be installed using npm:

npm install -S wampy

For browser usage download the latest browser.zip archive and add wampy-all.min.js file to your page. It contains all auth plugins and serializers. They are available as global objects:

window.JsonSerializer = JsonSerializer;
window.MsgpackSerializer = MsgpackSerializer;
window.CborSerializer = CborSerializer;
// this is not available due to problem with browserify transforming await import('node:crypto')
// if someone really needs it - I would appreciate a PR with fix :)
//window.WampyCra = wampyCra;
window.WampyCryptosign = wampyCryptosign;
<script src="browser/wampy-all.min.js"></script>

If you don't plan to use other serializers then JSON or any auth plugins, just include wampy.min.js.

<script src="browser/wampy.min.js"></script>

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Exported components

Wampy.js exports next components that you can import at your needs:

    "exports": {
        ".": {  // Main Wampy class
            "import": "./src/wampy.js",
            "require": "./dist/wampy.js"
        "./JsonSerializer.js": {
            "import": "./src/serializers/json-serializer.js",
            "require": "./dist/serializers/json-serializer.js"
        "./CborSerializer.js": {
            "import": "./src/serializers/cbor-serializer.js",
            "require": "./dist/serializers/cbor-serializer.js"
        "./MsgpackSerializer.js": {
            "import": "./src/serializers/msgpack-serializer.js",
            "require": "./dist/serializers/msgpack-serializer.js"
        "./cryptosign.js": {    // Cryptosign authentication plugin
            "import": "./src/auth/cryptosign/wampy-cryptosign.js",
            "require": "./dist/auth/cryptosign/wampy-cryptosign.js"
        "./wampcra.js": {       // WAMP-CRA authentication plugin
            "import": "./src/auth/wampcra/wampy-cra.js",
            "require": "./dist/auth/wampcra/wampy-cra.js"

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CLI tool

Wampy cli tool exposes almost the same API options to the command line interface. You can use all types of authorization, publish, subscribe, register and call any URI. Some WAMP Actions provides additional helper options (e.g. mirror option in register command that allows to return back the invocation payload to the caller).

Cli tool is charged with rich help descriptions, examples and even shell auto-completion script. All parameters may be passed as cmd args or via related ENV Vars for convenience. So you can for example export WAMP Router URI and realm to the environment and provide only wamp action parameters via cmd.

You can install wampy cli tool globally or call it by using npx:

npm install -g wampy
# After that you can invoke wampy
wampy -h
# or just run wampy with npx
npx wampy -h

Check the wampy -h or wampy --help for the available commands and global options and check the help for a specific command by issuing wampy <call|register|publish|subscribe> -h.

To make use of shell auto-completion features just add output of wampy completion to your shell config:

wampy completion >> ~/.zshrc
# or
wampy completion >> ~/.bashrc

The completion command is hidden from the wampy -h output to not pollute the main use flow as it is only needed once.

Migrating or Updating versions

Please refer to Migrating.md for instructions on upgrading major versions.

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Below is a description of the exposed public API. Wampy also has type definitions available at DefinitelyTyped.org, but they are only for versions < 7.x for now. Feel free to update!)

Constructor([url[, options]])

Wampy constructor can take 2 parameters:

  • url to wamp server - optional. URL can be specified in the following forms:
    • Undefined/null. In-browser environment "page-scheme://page-server:page-port/ws" will be used in this case.
    • String, begins with a '/', for some path in "current-scheme://host:port."
    • Fully qualified URL, starting with the 'ws' or 'wss' schemes.
    • Host/domain without a scheme. In-browser environment "page-scheme" will be used.
  • options hash-table. The only required field is realm. For node.js environment it's also necessary to specify ws - websocket module. See description below.
// in browser
wampy = new Wampy();
wampy = new Wampy('/my-socket-path');
wampy = new Wampy('wss://socket.server.com:5000/ws', { autoReconnect: false });
wampy = new Wampy({ reconnectInterval: 1*1000 });

// in node.js
import { w3cwebsocket as w3cws } from 'websocket';
wampy = new Wampy(null, { ws: w3cws });
wampy = new Wampy('/my-socket-path', { ws: w3cws });
wampy = new Wampy('wss://socket.server.com:5000/ws', { autoReconnect: false, ws: w3cws });
wampy = new Wampy({ reconnectInterval: 1*1000, ws: w3cws });

// or using ws example
import WebSocket from 'ws';
wampy = new Wampy(null, { ws: WebSocket });
wampy = new Wampy('/my-socket-path', { ws: WebSocket });
wampy = new Wampy('wss://socket.server.com:5000/ws', { autoReconnect: false, ws: WebSocket });
wampy = new Wampy({ reconnectInterval: 1*1000, ws: WebSocket });

Json serializer will be used by default. If you want to use msgpack or cbor serializer, pass it through options. Also, you can use your own serializer if it is supported on the WAMP router side.

// in browser
wampy = new Wampy('wss://socket.server.com:5000/ws', {
    serializer: new MsgpackSerializer()
wampy = new Wampy({
    serializer: new CborSerializer()

// in node.js
import { Wampy } from 'wampy';
import { MsgpackSerializer } from 'wampy/MsgpackSerializer';
import { CborSerializer } from 'wampy/CborSerializer';
import WebSocket from 'ws';

wampy = new Wampy('wss://socket.server.com:5000/ws', {
    ws: WebSocket,
    serializer: new MsgpackSerializer()
wampy = new Wampy({
    ws: w3cws,
    serializer: new CborSerializer()

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.options() method is now deprecated, so this is here only for documentation purposes. Please use getOptions()/setOptions() instead.

.options() can be called in two forms: -- without parameters it will behave the same as new method getOptions() -- with one parameter as a hash-table it will behave the same as new method setOptions()

wampy.options(); // same as wampy.getOptions

wampy.options({ // same as wampy.setOptions
    authPlugins: {
        ticket: ((userPassword) => (() => userPassword ))(),
        wampcra: wampyCra.sign(secret),
        cryptosign: wampyCryptosign.sign(privateKey)
    authMode: 'auto'


Returns Wampy configuration options. See setOptions() down below for the full list of available options.



Receives a newOptions object as a parameter, where each property is a new option to be set and returns a Wampy instance.

Options attributes description:

  • debug. Default value: false. Enable debug logging.
  • logger. Default value: null. User-provided logging function. If debug=true and no logger specified, console.log will be used.
  • autoReconnect. Default value: true. Enable auto reconnecting. In case of connection failure, Wampy will try to reconnect to WAMP server, and if you were subscribed to any topics, or had registered some procedures, Wampy will resubscribe to that topics and reregister procedures.
  • reconnectInterval. Default value: 2000 (ms). Reconnection Interval in ms.
  • maxRetries. Default value: 25. Max reconnection attempts. After reaching this value .disconnect()
    will be called. Set to 0 to disable limit.
  • realm. Default value: null. WAMP Realm to join on server. See WAMP spec for additional info.
  • helloCustomDetails. Default value: null. Custom attributes to send to router on hello.
  • uriValidation. Default value: strict. Can be changed to loose for less strict URI validation.
  • authid. Default value: null. Authentication (user) id to use in challenge.
  • authmethods. Default value: []. Array of strings of supported authentication methods.
  • authextra. Default value: {}. Additional authentication options for Cryptosign-based authentication.
    See Cryptosign-based Authentication section and WAMP Spec CS for more info.
  • authPlugins. Default value: {}. Authentication helpers for processing different authmethods flows.
    It's a hash-map, where key is an authentication method and value is a function, that takes the necessary user
    secrets/keys and returns a function which accepts authmethod and challenge info and returns signed challenge answer.
    You can provide your own signing functions or use existing helpers. Functions may be asynchronous.
import * as wampyCra from 'wampy/wampcra';
import * as wampyCS from 'wampy/cryptosign';

    authPlugins: {
        // No need to process challenge data in ticket flow, as it is empty
        ticket: ((userPassword) => (() => userPassword ))(),
        wampcra: wampyCra.sign(secret),
        cryptosign: wampyCS.sign(privateKey)
    authMode: 'auto'
  • authMode. Default value: manual. Possible values: manual|auto. Mode of authorization flow. If it is set
    to manual - you also need to provide onChallenge callback, which will process authorization challenge. Or you
    can set it to auto and provide authPlugins (described above). In this case the necessary authorization flow
    will be chosen automatically. This allows to support few authorization methods simultaneously.
  • onChallenge. Default value: null. Callback function.
    It is fired when wamp server requests authentication during session establishment.
    This function receives two arguments: auth method and challenge details.
    Function should return computed signature, based on challenge details.
    See Challenge Response Authentication section, WAMP Spec CRA,
    Cryptosign-based Authentication section and WAMP Spec CS for more info.
    This function receives welcome details as an argument.
  • onClose. Default value: null. Callback function. Fired on closing connection to wamp server.
  • onError. Default value: null. Callback function. Fired on error in websocket communication or if error happens
    during auto reconnection flow (as it can not be bound to explicit API calls).
  • onReconnect. Default value: null. Callback function. Fired every time on reconnection attempt.
  • onReconnectSuccess. Default value: null. Callback function. Fired every time when reconnection succeeded.
    This function receives welcome details as an argument.
  • ws. Default value: null. User provided WebSocket class. Useful in node environment.
  • additionalHeaders. Default value: null. User provided additional HTTP headers (for use in Node.js environment)
  • wsRequestOptions. Default value: null. User provided WS Client Config Options (for use in Node.js environment).
    See docs for WebSocketClient, tls.connect options.
  • serializer. Default value: JsonSerializer. User provided serializer class. Useful if you plan to use other encoders
    instead of default json.
  • payloadSerializers. Default value: { json: jsonSerializer }. User provided hashmap of serializer instances for
    using in Payload Passthru Mode. Allows to specify a few serializers and use them on per message/call basis.
    reconnectInterval: 1000,
    maxRetries: 999,
    onClose: () => { console.log('See you next time!'); },
    onError: () => { console.log('Breakdown happened'); },
    onReconnect: () => { console.log('Reconnecting...'); },
    onReconnectSuccess: (welcomeDetails) => { console.log('Reconnection succeeded. Details:', welcomeDetails); }

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Returns the status of last operation. This method returns an object with attributes:

  • code is integer, and value > 0 means error.
  • error is Error instance of last operation. Check errors types exposed by wampy.
  • reqId is a Request ID of last successful operation. It is useful in some cases (call canceling for example).
const defer = wampy.publish('system.monitor.update');
// may return
//    { code: 1, error: UriError instance }
// or { code: 2, error: NoBrokerError instance }
// or { code: 0, error: null }

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Returns the WAMP Session ID.


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Connects to wamp server. url parameter is the same as specified in Constructor. Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved with connection details provided by server (roles, features, authentication details)
  • Rejected with the thrown error
try {
    await wampy.connect();
} catch (e) {
    console.log('connection failed', e);

await wampy.connect('/my-socket-path');

const defer = wampy.connect('wss://socket.server.com:5000/ws');

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Disconnects from wamp server. Clears all queues, subscription, calls. Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved when wampy disconnects from WAMP server and closes websocket connection
  • Rejected with the thrown error (it probably never throws)
await wampy.disconnect();

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Aborts WAMP session and closes a websocket connection. If it is called on handshake stage - it sends the abort message to wamp server (as described in spec). Also clears all queues, subscription, calls. Returns wampy instance back.


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Ticket-based Authentication

With Ticket-based authentication, the client needs to present the server an authentication ticket - some magic value to authenticate itself to the server. It could be a user password, an authentication token or any other kind of client secret. To use it you need to provide "ticket" in "authmethods", "authid" and the "onChallenge" callback as wampy instance options.

'use strict';

// Ticket authentication
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'joe',
    authmethods: ['ticket'],
    onChallenge: (method, info) => {
        console.log('Requested challenge with ', method, info);
        return 'joe secret key or password';

// Promise-based ticket authentication
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'micky',
    authmethods: ['ticket'],
    onChallenge: (method, info) => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log('Requested challenge with ', method, info);
                resolve('micky secret key or password');
            }, 2000);

Challenge Response Authentication

Wampy.js supports challenge response authentication. To use it you need to provide the "authid" and the "onChallenge" callback as wampy instance options. Also, Wampy.js supports wampcra authentication method with a little helper plugin "wampy/wampcra". Just import wampy/wampcra and use provided methods as shown below.

'use strict';

import { Wampy } from 'wampy';
import * as wampyCra from 'wampy/wampcra';  // or import exact functions
import { w3cwebsocket as w3cws } from 'websocket';

// Manual authentication using signed message
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    ws: w3cws,  // just for example in node.js env
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'joe',
    authmethods: ['wampcra'],
    onChallenge: (method, info) => {
        console.log('Requested challenge with ', method, info);
        return wampyCra.signManual('joe secret key or password', info.challenge);

// Promise-based manual authentication using signed message
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'micky',
    authmethods: ['wampcra'],
    onChallenge: (method, info) => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log('Requested challenge with ', method, info);
                resolve(wampyCra.signManual('micky secret key or password', info.challenge));
            }, 2000);

// Manual authentication using salted key and pbkdf2 scheme
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'peter',
    authmethods: ['wampcra'],
    onChallenge: (method, info) => {
        const iterations = 100;
        const keylen = 16;
        const salt = 'password salt for user peter';

        console.log('Requested challenge with ', method, info);
        return wampyCra.signManual(wampyCra.deriveKey('peter secret key or password', salt, iterations, keylen), info.challenge);

// Automatic CRA authentication
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'patrik',
    authmethods: ['wampcra'],
    onChallenge: wampyCra.sign('patrik secret key or password')

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Cryptosign-based Authentication

Wampy.js supports cryptosign-based authentication. To use it you need to provide authid, onChallenge callback and authextra as wampy instance options. Also, Wampy.js supports cryptosign authentication method with a little helper plugin "wampy/cryptosign". Just import wampy/cryptosign and use provided methods as shown below.

The authextra option may contain the following properties for WAMP-Cryptosign:

Field Type Required Description
pubkey string yes The client public key (32 bytes) as a Hex encoded string, e.g. 545efb0a2192db8d43f118e9bf9aee081466e1ef36c708b96ee6f62dddad9122
channel_binding* string no If TLS channel binding is in use, the TLS channel binding type, e.g. "tls-unique".
challenge string no A client chosen, random challenge (32 bytes) as a Hex encoded string, to be signed by the router.
trustroot string no When the client includes a client certificate, the Ethereum address of the trustroot of the certificate chain to be used, e.g. 0x72b3486d38E9f49215b487CeAaDF27D6acf22115, which can be a Standalone Trustroot or an On-chain Trustroot

*: channel_binding is not supported yet. And may be supported only in node.js environment.

'use strict';

import { Wampy } from 'wampy';
import * as wampyCS from 'wampy/cryptosign';
// or you can import only the "sign" method
// import { sign } from 'wampy/cryptosign';

// Manual authentication using signed message
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'joe',
    authmethods: ['cryptosign'],
    authextra: {
        pubkey: '545efb0a2192db8d43f118e9bf9aee081466e1ef36c708b96ee6f62dddad9122'
    onChallenge: (method, info) => {
        console.log('Requested challenge with ', method, info);
        return wampyCS.sign('joe secret (private) key')(method, info);

// Promise-based manual authentication using signed message
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'micky',
    authmethods: ['cryptosign'],
    authextra: {
        pubkey: '545efb0a2192db8d43f118e9bf9aee081466e1ef36c708b96ee6f62dddad9122'
    onChallenge: (method, info) => {
        return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
            setTimeout(() => {
                console.log('Requested challenge with ', method, info);
                resolve(wampyCS.sign('micky secret (private) key')(method, info));
            }, 2000);

// Automatic CryptoSign authentication
wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'patrik',
    authmethods: ['cryptosign'],
    authextra: {
        pubkey: '545efb0a2192db8d43f118e9bf9aee081466e1ef36c708b96ee6f62dddad9122'
    onChallenge: wampyCS.sign('patrik secret (private) key')

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Automatically chosen Authentication

If you server provides multiple options for authorization, you can configure wampy.js to automatically choose required authorization flow based on authmethod requested by server. For this flow you need to configure the following options:

  • authid. Authentication id to use in challenge
  • authmethods. Supported authentication methods
  • authextra. Additional authentication options
  • authPlugins. Authentication helpers for processing different authmethods challenge flows
  • authMode. Mode of authorization flow. Should be set to auto
  • onChallenge. onChallenge callback. Is not used when authMode=auto
import { Wampy } from 'wampy';
import { sign as CraSign } from 'wampy/wampcra';
import { sign as CryptoSign } from 'wampy/cryptosign';

wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url', {
    realm: 'realm1',
    authid: 'patrik',
    authmethods: ['ticket', 'wampcra', 'cryptosign'],
    authextra: {    // User public key for Cryptosign-based Authentication
        pubkey: '545efb0a2192db8d43f118e9bf9aee081466e1ef36c708b96ee6f62dddad9122'
    authPlugins: {
        ticket: ((userPassword) => (() => userPassword ))(),
        wampcra: CraSign(userSecret),
        cryptosign: CryptoSign(userPrivateKey)
    authMode: 'auto',
    onChallenge: null

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subscribe(topicURI, onEvent[, advancedOptions])

Subscribes for topicURI events.

Input Parameters:

  • topicURI. Required. A string that identifies the topic.
    Must meet a WAMP Spec URI requirements.
  • onEvent. Published event callback. Will be called on receiving published event with one hash-table
    parameter with following attributes:
    • argsList: array payload (maybe omitted)
    • argsDict: object payload (maybe omitted)
    • details: some publication options object.
  • advancedOptions. Optional parameters hash table. Must include any or all of the options:
    • match: string matching policy ("prefix"|"wildcard")
    • get_retained: bool request access to the Retained Event

Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved with a hash-table parameter with following attributes:
    • topic
    • requestId
    • subscriptionId
    • subscriptionKey
  • Rejected with one of the Error instances
await wampy.subscribe('chat.message.received', (eventData) => { console.log('Received new chat message!', eventData); });

try {
    const response = await wampy.subscribe('some.another.topic',
        (eventData) => {
            console.log('Received topic event', eventData);
    console.log('Successfully subscribed to topic: ' + response.topic);

} catch (e) {
    console.log('Subscription error:' + e.error);

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unsubscribe(subscriptionIdKey[, onEvent])

Unsubscribe subscription from receiving events.


  • subscriptionIdKey. Required. Subscription ID (number) or Key (string), received during .subscribe()
  • onEvent. Published event callback instance to remove, or it can be not specified,
    in this case all callbacks and subscription will be removed.

Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved with one hash-table parameter with following attributes:
    • topic
    • requestId
  • Rejected with one of the Error instances
const f1 = (data) => { console.log('this was event handler for topic') };
await wampy.unsubscribe('subscribed.topic', f1);

const defer = wampy.unsubscribe('chat.message.received');

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publish(topicURI[, payload[, advancedOptions]])

Publish a new event to topic.


  • topicURI. Required. A string that identifies the topic.
    Must meet a WAMP Spec URI requirements.
  • payload. Publishing event data. Optional. Maybe any single value or array or hash-table object or null:
    • If it is an array - it is sent as is as WAMP positional arguments attribute
    • If it is a single object (without argsList and argsDict keys) - it is sent as is as WAMP key-value
      arguments attribute
    • If it is a single Number/String/Boolean/Null value - it is packed into one-item array and is sent as WAMP
      positional arguments attribute. Be aware: receiver will get it in argsList as one-item array and not as
      single value!
    • It is possible to pass array and object-like data simultaneously. In this case pass a hash-table with
      next attributes:
      • argsList: array payload (maybe omitted)
      • argsDict: object payload (maybe omitted)
  • advancedOptions. Optional parameters hash table. Must include any or all of the options:
    • exclude: integer|array WAMP session id(s) that won't receive a published event,
      even though they may be subscribed
    • exclude_authid: string|array Authentication id(s) that won't receive
      a published event, even though they may be subscribed
    • exclude_authrole: string|array Authentication role(s) that won't receive
      a published event, even though they may be subscribed
    • eligible: integer|array WAMP session id(s) that are allowed to receive a published event
    • eligible_authid: string|array Authentication id(s) that are allowed to receive a published event
    • eligible_authrole: string|array Authentication role(s) that are allowed
      to receive a published event
    • exclude_me: bool flag of receiving publishing event by initiator
      (if it is subscribed to this topic)
    • disclose_me: bool flag of disclosure of publisher identity (its WAMP session ID)
      to receivers of a published event
    • ppt_scheme: string Identifies the Payload Schema for Payload Passthru Mode
    • ppt_serializer: string Specifies what serializer was used to encode the payload
    • ppt_cipher: string Specifies the cryptographic algorithm that was used to encrypt the payload
    • ppt_keyid: string Contains the encryption key id that was used to encrypt the payload
    • retain: bool Ask broker to mark this event as retained

Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved with one hash-table parameter with following attributes:
    • topic
    • requestId
    • publicationId
  • Rejected with one of the Error instances
await wampy.publish('user.logged.in');
await wampy.publish('chat.message.received', 'user message');  // will be sent as ['user message1']
await wampy.publish('chat.message.received', ['user message1', 'user message2']);
await wampy.publish('user.modified', { field1: 'field1', field2: true, field3: 123 });
await wampy.publish('chat.message.received', ['Private message'], { eligible: 123456789 });

try {
    await wampy.publish('user.modified', { field1: 'field1', field2: true, field3: 123 });
    console.log('User successfully modified');
} catch (e) {
    console.log('User modification failed', e.error, e.details);

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call(topicURI[, payload[, advancedOptions]])

Make an RPC call to topicURI.


  • topicURI. Required. A string that identifies the remote procedure to be called.
    Must meet a WAMP Spec URI requirements.
  • payload. RPC data. Optional. Maybe any single value or array or hash-table object or null:
    • If it is an array - it is sent as is as WAMP positional arguments attribute
    • If it is a single object (without argsList and argsDict keys) - it is sent as is as WAMP key-value
      arguments attribute
    • If it is a single Number/String/Boolean/Null value - it is packed into one-item array and is sent as WAMP
      positional arguments attribute. Be aware: receiver will get it in argsList as one-item array and not as
      single value!
    • It is possible to pass array and object-like data simultaneously. In this case pass a hash-table with
      next attributes:
      • argsList: array payload (maybe omitted)
      • argsDict: object payload (maybe omitted)
  • advancedOptions. Optional parameters hash table. Must include any or all of the options:
    • disclose_me: bool flag of disclosure of Caller identity (WAMP session ID)
      to endpoints of a routed call
    • progress_callback: function for handling intermediate progressive call results
    • timeout: integer timeout (in ms) for the call to finish
    • ppt_scheme: string Identifies the Payload Schema for Payload Passthru Mode
    • ppt_serializer: string Specifies what serializer was used to encode the payload
    • ppt_cipher: string Specifies the cryptographic algorithm that was used to encrypt the payload
    • ppt_keyid: string Contains the encryption key id that was used to encrypt the payload

Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved with one hash-table parameter with following attributes:
    • details: hash-table with some additional details
    • argsList: optional array containing the original list of positional result
      elements as returned by the Callee
    • argsDict: optional hash-table containing the original dictionary of keyword result
      elements as returned by the Callee
  • Rejected with one of the Error instances

Important note on progressive call results:

For getting a progressive call results you need to specify progress_callback in advancedOptions. This callback will be fired on every intermediate result. But the last one result or error will be processed on promise returned from the .call(). That means that final call result will be received by call promise resolve handler.

const result = await wampy.call('server.time');
console.log('Server time is ' + result.argsList[0]);

try {
    await wampy.call('start.migration');
    console.log('RPC successfully called');
} catch (e) {
    console.log('RPC call failed!', e.error);

try {
    await wampy.call('restore.backup', { backupFile: 'backup.zip' });
    console.log('Backup successfully restored');
} catch (e) {
    console.log('Restore failed!', e.error, e.details);

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progressiveCall(topicURI[, payload[, advancedOptions]])

Make an RPC progressive invocation call to topicURI.

Input parameters to this function are the same as described in the call() above. The difference is in the result.

Returns an object containing the result promise and the sendData function which is supposed to be used to send additional data chunks in bounds of the initiated remote procedure call:

  • result. A promise that resolves to the result of the RPC call.
  • sendData. A function to send additional data to the ongoing RPC call.
    This function has signature: ([payload], [advancedOptions]):
    • payload. RPC data. Optional. Same as in call().
    • advancedOptions. Optional parameters hash table with properties:
      • progress. Bool. Flag, indicating the ongoing (true) or final (false) call invocation.
        If this parameter is omitted - it is treated as TRUE, meaning the
        intermediate ongoing call invocation. For the final call invocation
        this flag must be passed and set to FALSE. In other case the call
        invocation wil never end.
    • function returns nothing, but exception maybe thrown in case of error.
let pc;
try {
    pc = ws.progressiveCall('sum.numbers', 1);
} catch (e) {
    console.log('RPC call failed!', e.error);

// Somewhere where you have additional data to be send to the procedure
try {
    // This is final data chunk, so the Callee can understand that
    // no more input data will be send and it can finish its
    // calculations and send the result.
    // Note that nothing stops the Callee to send the
    // intermediate results if that makes sense.
    pc.sendData(5, { progress: false });
} catch (e) {
    console.log('RPC call send data failed!', e.error);

// And here we are waiting for the final call result
const res = await pc.result
console.log("Res:", res); // Res: 15

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cancel(reqId[, advancedOptions])

RPC invocation cancelling.


  • reqId. Required. Request ID of RPC call that need to be canceled.
  • advancedOptions. Optional parameters hash table. Must include any or all of the options:
    • mode: string|one of the possible modes: "skip" | "kill" | "killnowait". Skip is default.

Returns a Boolean or throws an Error:

  • true if successfully sent canceling message
  • Error if some error occurred
const defer = wampy.call('start.migration');
    .then((result) => console.log('RPC successfully called'))
    .catch((e) => console.log('RPC call failed!', e));

status = wampy.getOpStatus();


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register(topicURI, rpc[, advancedOptions])

RPC registration for invocation.


  • topicURI. Required. A string that identifies the remote procedure to be called.
    Must meet a WAMP Spec URI requirements.
  • rpc. Required. registered procedure.
  • advancedOptions. Optional parameters hash table. Must include any or all of the options:
    • match: string matching policy ("prefix"|"wildcard")
    • invoke: string invocation policy ("single"|"roundrobin"|"random"|"first"|"last")

Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved with one hash-table parameter with following attributes:
    • topic
    • requestId
    • registrationId
  • Rejected with one of the Error instances

Registered PRC during invocation will receive one hash-table argument with following attributes:

  • argsList: array payload (maybe omitted)
  • argsDict: object payload (maybe omitted)
  • details: some invocation options object. One attribute of interest in options is "receive_progress" (boolean),
    which indicates, that caller is willing to receive progressive results, if possible. Another one is "trustlevel", which
    indicates the call trust level, assigned by dealer (of course if it is configured accordingly).
  • result_handler: result handler for case when you want to send progressive results.
    Just call it with one parameter, same as you return from simple invocation. Also, do not forget to
    set options: { progress: true } for intermediate results.
  • error_handler: error handler for case when you want to send progressive results and caught
    some exception or error.

RPC can return no result (undefined), any single value, array or hash-table object:

  • If it is an array - it is sent as is as WAMP positional arguments attribute
  • If it is a single object (without argsList and argsDict keys) - it is sent as is as WAMP key-value
    arguments attribute
  • If it is a single Number/String/Boolean/Null value - it is packed into one-item array and is sent as WAMP
    positional arguments attribute. Be aware: receiver will get it in argsList as one-item array and not as
    single value!
  • It is possible to pass array and object-like data simultaneously. In this case pass a hash-table with
    next attributes:
    • argsList: array payload (maybe omitted)
    • argsDict: object payload (maybe omitted)
    • options: some result options object. Possible attribute of options is "progress": true, which
      indicates, that it's a progressive result, so there will be more results in the future.
      Be sure to unset "progress" on last result message.
const sqrt_f = function (data) { return { result: data.argsList[0]*data.argsList[0] } };

await wampy.register('sqrt.value', sqrt_f);

try {
    await wampy.register('sqrt.value', sqrt_f);
    console.log('RPC successfully registered');
} catch (e) {
    console.log('RPC registration failed!', e);

Also, wampy supports rpc with asynchronous code, such as some user interactions or xhr, using promises. For using this functionality in old browsers you should use polyfills, like es6-promise. Check browser support at can i use site.

const getUserName = () => {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        /* Ask user to input his username somehow,
           and resolve promise with user input at the end */
        resolve({ argsList: userInput });

wampy.register('get.user.name', getUserName);

Also, it is possible to abort rpc processing and throw error with custom application specific data. This data will be passed to caller onError callback.

Exception object with custom data may have the following attributes:

  • error. String with custom error uri. Must meet a WAMP Spec URI requirements.
  • details. Custom details dictionary object.
  • argsList. Custom arguments array, this will be forwarded to the caller by the WAMP router's
    dealer role. In most cases this attribute is used to pass the human-readable message to the client.
  • argsDict. Custom arguments object, this will be forwarded to the caller by the WAMP router's
    dealer role.

Note: Any other type of errors (like built in Javascript runtime TypeErrors, ReferenceErrors) and exceptions are caught by wampy and sent back to the client's side, not just this type of custom errors. In this case the details of the error can be lost.

const getSystemInfo = () => {

    // Application logic

    // for example, if you need to get data from db
    // and at this time you can't connect to db
    // you can throw exception with some details for client application

    const UserException = () => {
        this.error = 'app.error.no_database_connection';
        this.details = {
         errorCode: 'ECONNREFUSED',
         errorMessage: 'Connection refused by a remote host.',
         database: 'db',
         host: '',
         port: 5432,
         dbtype: 'postgres'
        this.argsList = ['Not able to connect to the database.'];
        this.argsDict = {};

    throw new UserException();

await wampy.register('get.system.info', getSystemInfo);

try {
    await wampy.call('get.system.info');
} catch (error) {
    console.log('Error happened', error);

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RPC unregistration from invocations.


  • topicURI. Required. A string that identifies the remote procedure to be unregistered.
    Must meet a WAMP Spec URI requirements.

Returns a Promise that's either:

  • Resolved with one hash-table parameter with following attributes:
    • topic
    • requestId
  • Rejected with one of the Error instances
await wampy.unregister('sqrt.value');

try {
    console.log('RPC successfully unregistered');
} catch (e) {
    console.log('RPC unregistration failed!', e);

Error handling

During wampy instance lifetime there can be many cases when error happens: some made by developer mistake, some are bound to WAMP protocol violation, some came from other peers. Errors that can be caught by wampy instance itself are stored in opStatus.error, while others are just thrown.

This allows, for example, convenient handling of different types of errors:

import {Wampy, Errors} from 'wampy';
const wampy = new Wampy('/ws/', { realm: 'AppRealm' });

try {
    await wampy.call('start.migration');
    console.log('RPC successfully called');
} catch (error) {
    console.log('Error happened!');
    if (error instanceof Errors.UriError) {
        // statements to handle UriError exceptions
    } else if (error instanceof Errors.InvalidParamError) {
        // statements to handle InvalidParamError exceptions
    } else if (error instanceof Errors.NoSerializerAvailableError) {
        // statements to handle NoSerializerAvailableError exceptions
    } else {
        // statements to handle any unspecified exceptions

Wampy package exposes the following Error classes:

  • UriError
  • NoBrokerError
  • NoCallbackError
  • InvalidParamError
  • NoSerializerAvailableError
  • NonExistUnsubscribeError
  • NoDealerError
  • RPCAlreadyRegisteredError
  • NonExistRPCUnregistrationError
  • NonExistRPCInvocationError
  • NonExistRPCReqIdError
  • NoRealmError
  • NoWsOrUrlError
  • NoCRACallbackOrIdError
  • ChallengeExceptionError
  • PPTNotSupportedError
  • PPTInvalidSchemeError
  • PPTSerializerInvalidError
  • PPTSerializationError
  • ProtocolViolationError
  • AbortError
  • WampError
  • SubscribeError
  • UnsubscribeError
  • PublishError
  • RegisterError
  • UnregisterError
  • CallError
  • WebsocketError

For errors attributes look at src/errors.js file.

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Using custom serializer

From v5.0 version there is option to provide custom serializer.

Custom serializer instance must meet a few requirements:

  • Have a encode (data) method, that returns encoded data
  • Have a decode (data) method, that returns decoded data
  • Have a protocol string property, that contains a protocol name. This name is concatenated with
    "wamp.2." string and is then passed as websocket subprotocol http header.
  • Have a isBinary boolean property, that indicates, is this a binary protocol or not.

Take a look at json-serializer.js or msgpack-serializer.js as examples.

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Connecting through TLS in node environment

Starting from v6.2.0 version you can pass additional HTTP Headers and TLS parameters to underlying socket connection in node.js environment (thnx websocket library). See example below. For wsRequestOptions you can pass any option, described in tls.connect options documentation.

const Wampy = require('wampy').Wampy;
const w3cws = require('websocket').w3cwebsocket;

wampy = new Wampy('wss://wamp.router.url:8888/wamp-router', {
    ws: w3cws,
    realm: 'realm1',
    additionalHeaders: {
        'X-ACL-custom-token': 'dkfjhsdkjfhdkjs',
        'X-another-custom-header': 'header-value'
    wsRequestOptions: {
        ca: fs.readFileSync('ca-crt.pem'),
        key: fs.readFileSync('client1-key.pem'),
        cert: fs.readFileSync('client1-crt.pem'),
        host: 'wamp.router.url',
        port: 8888,
        rejectUnauthorized: false,   // this setting allow to connect to untrusted (or self signed) TLS certificate,
        checkServerIdentity: (servername, cert) => {
            // A callback function to be used (instead of the builtin tls.checkServerIdentity() function)
            // when checking the server's hostname (or the provided servername when explicitly set)
            // against the certificate. This should return an <Error> if verification fails.
            // The method should return undefined if the servername and cert are verified.
            if (servername !== 'MyTrustedServerName') {
                return new Error('Bad server!');

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Tests and code coverage

Wampy.js uses mocha and chai for tests and c8/istanbul for code coverage. Wampy sources are mostly all covered with tests! :)

# use standard npm test command
> npm test
# or only some tests
> npm run test:node
> npm run test:node-no-crossbar
> npm run test:browser

# for code coverage report run
> npm run cover
# and then open coverage/lcov-report/index.html

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Copyright and License

Wampy.js library is licensed under the MIT License (MIT).

Copyright (c) 2014 Konstantin Burkalev

Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions:

The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.


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See Also

  • WAMP specification
  • wampy/wampcra - WAMP Challenge Response Authentication plugin for Wampy.js
  • wampy/cryptosign - WAMP Cryptosign-based Authentication plugin for Wampy.js
  • Wiola - WAMP Router in Lua on top of nginx/openresty
  • Loowy - LUA WAMP client
  • msgpackr - Ultra-fast MessagePack implementation with extension for record and structural cloning.
  • cbor-x - Ultra-fast CBOR encoder/decoder with extensions for records and structural cloning.

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