
Utility that allows you to make videos of your integration tests with WD


WD Video Recorder

Utility that allows you to make videos of your integration tests with WD. See WD homepage for more information on how to run integration tests with node.

WD Video Recorder uses fluent-ffmpeg interface for FFMpeg. FFMpeg must be installed on your system prior to using this utility!


Utility is distributed via npm. Execute

$ npm install wd-video

from root directory of your node project to install WD Video Recorder.


Using WD Video Recorder should be really easy. The process consists of 6 simple steps:

  1. Import library to your JavaScript (test) file

     var Recorder = require('wd-video-recorder');
  2. Initialize WD environment. For more information how to do this, please visit WD homepage.

     var browser = wd.promiseChainRemote();
     browser.init({browserName:'firefox'}).then(function() {
     	// ...
  3. Create an instance of video recorder class

     var recorder = new Recorder(browser, [options]);

    You can limited set of configuration options to constructor. See Recorder.constructor for more information.

  4. Start recording

  5. Stop recording

  6. Save recorded video

     recorder.save(output, callback);

    callback function receives three parameters - stderr, stdout and full path to recorded video.

  7. Clear recorder


    Since recorder uses WD screenshot feature, it peridocally takes screenshots of browser window. These screenshots are stored on your filesystem (either your system's temporary directory or in tempDir directory specified in constructor options. See Recorder.constructor for more information.). These screenshots should be deleted after recording video.

Recorder API


new Recorder(browser:WD.browser, [options:Object]):Recorder


browser WD Browser Instance of WD browser.

options Object Optional. Hash of configuration options for this recorder. Following options are recognized:

  • tmpdir String Path to a directory. Recorder will create a subdirectory for its screenshots in this directory. Defaults to os.tmpdir().
  • fps Integer Frames per second. Screenshots will be taken at most at this rate. Actual rate depends on the browser delay (taking a screenshot is asynchronous). default FPS is 15.
  • aspect String Aspect ratio of recorded video. 4:3 for example. It is unspecified by default.
  • size String Size of recorded video. 800x600 for example. It is unspecified by default.
  • beforeSave Function(proc:ffmpeg):void Callback invoked just before saving the video. It takes on paramater - underlying FFMpeg process instance (See fluent-ffmpeg for documentation). This allows you to further modify the video output.



Starts taking screenshots from browser instance passed to constructor.

Returns This instance.


recorder.save(output:String, callback:Function(stderr:String, stdout:String, output:String)):Recorder


output String Relative (to current working directory) or absolute path to desired output video file.

callback Function(stderr:String, stdout:String, output:String) Callback function that gets called after save is done.

Returns This instance



Removes all taken screenshots and screenshots directory itself. Throws an exception and does nothing if the recorder is running.

Returns This instance



Stops the recorder from taking screenshots. Does not remove screenshots or screenshots directory. After calling stop(), you may call start() again to resume recording.

Returns This instance



Stops recorder and clears the screenshots directory.

Returns This instance


recorder.stopAndSave(output:String, callback:Function(stderr:String, stdout:String, output:String)):Recorder

Stops recorder and saves the video. See save method for parameter reference.


Same as for save method

Returns This instance


recorder.stopSaveAndClear(output:String, callback:Function(stderr:String, stdout:String, output:String)):Recorder

Stops recorder, saves the video and clears the screenshots directory. See save method for parameter reference.


Same as for save method

Returns This instance


Unit tests can be run from command line with:

$ grunt test