
Web Proxy (forward proxy) for intercepting and selectively caching HTTP requests.


Web Proxy

Web Proxy (forward proxy) for intercepting and selectively caching HTTP requests.

> node ./bin/proxy.js --help

Usage: proxy [options] [command]


    cache [options]   Start HTTP cache proxy.
    queue [options]   Start HTTP queue proxy.


    -h, --help     output usage information
    -V, --version  output the version number

> node ./bin/proxy.js cache --help

Usage: cache [options]

Start HTTP cache proxy.


    -h, --help                       output usage information
    --port <n>                       Port on which to start the proxy.
    --upstream <http://host[:port]>  Forward all requests to upstream proxy server.
    --db-host [host]                 Database host.
    --db-database [name]             Database name.
    --db-user [user]                 User used to access the database.
    --db-password [password]         Password used to access the database.

> node ./bin/proxy.js queue --help

Usage: queue [options]

    Start HTTP queue proxy.


    -h, --help                       output usage information
    --port <n>                       Port on which to start the proxy.
    --delay <ms>                     The amount of milliseconds to delay the next request in the queue.
    --upstream <http://host[:port]>  Forward all requests to upstream proxy server.
    --db-host [host]                 Database host.
    --db-database [name]             Database name.
    --db-user [user]                 User used to access the database.
    --db-password [password]         Password used to access the database.

Use Case

web-proxy has been designed to selectively cache outgoing HTTP requests for logging and re-iteration purposes, e.g. if you are running an inefficient web scrapping service or wish to re-run scrapping service using earlier fetched pages.


Illustration demonstrates cURL requests being made using web-proxy.

web-proxy is configured to:

  • cache all HTTP GET requests that result in 200 response.
  • to forward all resulting HTTP requests to further proxy (mitmproxy).

Command Line Usage

node ./bin/proxy --help


Web Proxy can be used with a persistent data store. The only backend supported at the moment is MySQL.

To enable use of the MySQL backend, provide connections credentials at the time of starting the proxy.

Database schema can be obtained from ./database/proxy.sql. Note that table is using ROW_FORMAT=COMPRESSED. In order to benefit from the compression, ensure that the following MySQL variables are set:


For more information, refer to http://stackoverflow.com/a/13636565/368691.


Web Proxy can forward all outgoing HTTP requests to another proxy.

To enable forwarding, provide proxy credentials at the time of starting the proxy.

node ./bin/proxy --help


WebProxy can be used programmatically.

var WebProxy = require('../src/webproxy'),
    config = {},

 * @param {Object} reference
 * @param {String} reference.method
 * @param {String} reference.url
 * @return {Null} Returning null will allow HTTP request to progress.
 * @return {Object} response
 * @return {Number} response.statusCode
 * @return {Object} response.headers
 * @return {String} response.body
config.read = function (request) {

 * @param {Object} reference
 * @param {String} reference.method
 * @param {String} reference.url
 * @param {Object} response
 * @param {Number} response.statusCode
 * @param {Object} response.headers
 * @param {String} response.body
config.write = function (request, response) {

 * @param {Object} config
 * @param {Function} config.read
 * @param {Function} config.write
 * @param {Object} config.logger
server = WebProxy(config);


Data Store

Data can be read/written using custom logic.

There are two existing data store interfaces:

Name Description
DataStore.session Session persits data in an object for the duration of the script runtime.
DataStore.database Data is read/written to/from a MySQL database.

Refer to the ./bin/proxy.js implementation to see a working example.