
Node fs wrapper for WebDAV

MIT License



Node FS wrapper for WebDAV services

Node fs wrapper for WebDAV. Perform basic filesystem tasks in a similar manner to using async fs methods like readdir and writeFile. webdav-fs uses webdav-client under the hood.


Install webdav-fs using npm:

npm install webdav-fs --save

Supports NodeJS 14 and above. For Node 10, use v3, for Node 8, use v2.


You can use webdav-fs in authenticated or non-authenticated mode:

// Using authentication:
import { createAdapter } from "webdav-fs";

const wfs = createAdapter("http://example.com/webdav/", {
    username: "username",
    password: "password"

wfs.readdir("/Work", (err, contents) => {
    if (!err) {
        console.log("Dir contents:", contents);
    } else {
        console.log("Error:", err.message);
// Without using authentication:
import { createAdapter } from "webdav-fs";

const wfs = createAdapter("http://example.com/webdav/");

wfs.stat("/report.docx", (err, data) => {
    console.log("Is file:", data.isFile());

For more control over the HTTP/TLS connection options, you can pass an instance of http.Agent or https.Agent:

import { Agent } from "https";
import { createAdapter } from "webdav-fs";

const agent = new Agent({
    keepAlive: true
    // we can also control certificate verification behaviour here

const wfs = createAdapter("https://example.com/webdav/", {
    username: "username",
    password: "password",
    httpsAgent: agent


The following methods are available on the webdav-fs module:

createReadStream(path[, options])

Create a read stream on a remote file:


The options object supports overriding remote headers as well as a range (start and end as byte indexes). When specifying a range, only the start value is required (if end is not provided the rest of the file is read).

The following requests the first 300 bytes of a file:

const myPartialStream = wfs.createReadStream("/dir/somefile.dat", { start: 0, end: 299 });

createWriteStream(path[, options])

Create a write stream for a remote file:


The options object supports overriding remote headers.

mkdir(path, callback)

Create a remote directory:

wfs.mkdir("/remote/dir", err => {
    // handle error if truthy

readdir(path[, mode], callback)

Read the contents of a remote directory:

wfs.readdir("/some/remote/path/", "node", (err, contents) => {
    // callback is an array of filenames

mode is an optional processing mode, where:

  • 'node' (the default mode) will output an array of filename strings
  • 'stat' will output an array of stat objects (plus a name field)

readFile(path, [encoding,] callback)

Read the contents of a remote file:

wfs.readFile("/website/index.php", "utf8", (err, data) => {
    // data is the contents of the file
    // encoding is optional

encoding is optional and can be either utf8 (default - returns a string) or binary (returns a Buffer).

rename(currentPath, destinationPath, callback)

Move/rename a file to another location/name. This does not create new directories for nested files (moving a file into a new directory will not work).

wfs.rename("/my-document.docx", "/Documents/personal.docx", err => {
    // handle error

stat(path, callback)

Stat a remote file:

wfs.stat("/the-internet.dat", (err, fileStat) => {

A stat has the following properties:

Property Type Description
isFile Function Check if the item is a file
isDirectory Function Check if the item is a directory
mtime Number Last modification timestamp
size Number Size of the item in bytes

unlink(path, callback)

Delete a remote file or directory:

wfs.unlink("/remote/path", (err) => {
    // handle error if truthy

writeFile(path, data, [encoding,] callback)

Write data to a remote file:

wfs.writeFile("/Temp/im-here.txt", "This is a saved file! REALLY!!", err => {
    if (err) {

writeFile supports writing binary files as well:

fs.readFile(sourceFile, "binary", (err, data) => {
    wfs.writeFile(destFile, data, "binary", function(err) {
        // handle error

writeFile supports just a couple of encodings:

  • utf8
  • binary

When writing binary files, data must either be a binary string from a read file in Node (then passed to new Buffer(data, "binary")) or a Buffer.


Browser usage and CORS

This library isn't exactly designed for use within the browser, although it might work if bundled using a tool like Webpack.

When in the browser take care with policies such as CORS - If the server is not configured correctly WebDAV requests will fail. Make sure that you return the correct CORS headers. Issues surrounding CORS errors without any indication that an error lies in this library will be closed.