
A webpack configuration for webdevs using scss, postcss, html and js. Based on HtmlWebpackPlugin. Comes with postcss autoprefixer.



A webpack configuration for webdevs using scss, postcss, html and js.

Based on HtmlWebpackPlugin.

Comes with postcss autoprefixer.

File structure:

The following setup will only work on a specific file structure:

    |_  html
    |   |_  index.html
    |   |_  ....html
    |_  img
    |_  svg
    |_  scss
    |_  css
    |_  js
    |_  vid

    |_  ...

    |_  index.html
    |_  html
    |   |_  ....html
    |_  img
    |_  svg
    |_  scss
    |_  css
    |_  js
    |_  vid

All the media folders (img, svg, vid) should have their contents placed there directly, without creating subfolders. This is important to ensure the resolve in webpack.config.js is working correctly.

The webpack output will be put into dist/. Webpack will place index.html directly under dist/index.html. All other assets will be placed in the corresponding folder in dist/.

How to code


Concerning sass-loader and urls

At this time of writing sass-loader does not work with url() references in mixins Problems with url(...). Thats why I added a resolve to webpack.config.js. Therefore it is important that any relative paths in scss files are rewritten to make use of webpack resolve.


  1. Reference to src/img/... file: url(~img/...). (It doesn't matter how deep you are in the subfolders of src)

Usage of normalize.css

You will find a node module called @csstools/normalize.css after npm install. If you want to use normalize.css, please import it in your scss files:

@import '~@csstools/normalize.css';


Generating more than one html file

If you have more than one html file (e.g. index.html, file2.html etc.) then you have to create a HtmlWebpackPlugin instance for each file. A comment about how to do this can be found in webpack.config.js.

Cross site anchor tags

References made by cross-site anchor tags can currently not be resolved. Anchor tag relative paths should be relative to the locations the html files are going to have in dist/.


Starting a fresh project with an empty github repository:

  1. Clone into current folder:
git clone --depth=1 --branch master https://github.com/benjaminpreiss/webpack_conf.git .
  1. Change git origin remote to your github repository:
git remote set-url origin <YOUR-GITHUB-REPO>
  1. Install all npm dependencies according to package.json:
npm install
  1. Configure browserslist in .browserslistrc and specify what browsers you want to support with your project. Example browserslist:
last 4 versions
  1. Configure htmlhint in .htmlhintrc to fit your needs.

Starting a new version in an existing git(hub) repository:

  1. Git clone/pull/fetch the existing repository. E.g.:
  1. Git create new version branch (and checkout):
git checkout -b <YOUR-VERSION-NUMBER>
  1. Git rm all files on this branch: (or just leave them and deal with merge conflicts)
git rm -r *
  1. Add webpack_conf remote: (read only since git protocol)
git remote add webpack_conf git://github.com/benjaminpreiss/webpack_conf.git
  1. Fetch the latest commit from webpack_conf/master branch:
git fetch --depth=1 webpack_conf master
  1. Merge webpack_conf/master branch into branch (current):
git merge --allow-unrelated-histories -m "Merging webpack_conf/master branch into current branch" origin/master
  1. Remove webpack_conf remote to avoid accidental push:
git remote remove webpack_conf
  1. Install all npm dependencies according to package.json:
npm install
  1. Configure browserslist in .browserslistrc and specify what browsers you want to support with your project. Example browserslist:
last 4 versions
  1. Configure htmlhint in .htmlhintrc to fit your needs.


  1. Start webpack build:
npx webpack
  1. Check js linting:
npx jslint

Recommendations for VS Code

  1. Use eslint extension by Dirk Baeumer (dbaeumer.vscode-eslint)
  2. Use stylelint extension by stylelint (stylelint.vscode-stylelint)
  3. Use htmlhint extension by Mike Kaufmann (mkaufman.htmlhint)