
Add basic navigation VIM commands to any webpage.



Simple jQuery based browser lib for adding a few vim'ish key bindings to any web page.

Currently beta, but included on http://mervine.net

Supported keybinds:

  • j: down
  • k: up
  • h: left
  • l: right
  • D: down half page
  • U: up half page
  • F: down page
  • B: up page
  • G: page bottom
  • gg: page top
  • /: focus search box (if implemented)


Add the following to your page:

    <!-- jQuery's CDN provided by MaxCDN - http://www.maxcdn.com/ -->
    <script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery-1.10.1.min.js"></script>

    <!-- OPTIONAL:
         To enable '/' search selector, uncomment this script tag and
         update the value with your search box selector.
         See jQuery docs on how to find the correct value. -->
    <script>var searchElement = '[jQuery Element Path]';</script>

    <!-- CDN provided jsDelivr - http://jsDelivr.net
          a big thanks to them for providing this for me! -->
    <script src="//cdn.jsdelivr.net/jquery.webpage-vim/0.1/vim.min.js"></script>


Simply update the vim object with a new key code and it's handler.


function doSomethingNew() {
    ensureReady(function() {
        /* new action */

/* where 999 is your event.keyCode */
vim[999] = function() { doSomethingNew(); };
Ideally though, you should fork this and send me a pull request.