
MIT License


webrtc-explorer Signalling Server

The webrtc-explorer Signaling Server implements the spec defined for the webrtc-explorer browser based DHT work properly, please refer to the webrtc-explorer docs for instructions.

Project Information

David Dias MSc in Peer-to-Peer Networks by Technical University of Lisbon

This work was developed by David Dias with supervision by Luís Veiga, all in INESC-ID Lisboa (Distributed Systems Group), Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa, with the support of Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia.

More info on the team's work at:

If you use this project, please acknowledge it in your work by referencing the following document:

David Dias and Luís Veiga. browserCloud.js A federated community cloud served by a P2P overlay network on top of the web platform. INESC-ID Tec. Rep. 14/2015, Apr. 2015


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Events listented by the server

  • s-register - register a node on the DHT, assign him uuid and inform that Node of his Id through c-registered

  • s-send-offer - forward signaling data from one client that wants to connect to another client

  • s-offer-accepted - forward response signaling data

Events emitted by the server

  • c-finger-update - let a client know that he should update one of his fingers

  • c-predecessor - let a client know of his predecessorId

  • c-offer-accepted - forward response signaling data

  • c-accept-offer - Ask a client to accept an offer from another client

  • c-registered - tell a client he is registered and what is their Id