
Bundles your web app into a light, native desktop webview application.



This application creates native desktop webview applications suitable for showing web content, by leveraging suchipi/webview.

You can configure it to either open a webview window and navigate to a URL, or open a webview window and show content from a folder (which will be served by a local http server).


To make a webview wrapper for a URL:

npx webview-packager --name myApp --title "My App" --outDir "./bin" --url "https://my-app.example.com"

To make a webview wrapper for some files:

npx webview-packager --name myApp --title "My App" --outDir "./bin" --assetsDir "./public"


  • Generate binaries for macOS, Windows, and Linux
  • Set up a basic macOS Info.plist
  • Create .desktop files for Linux
  • Automatically convert icons and put them in the right place (icns, resource hacker, pixmap, etc)