
Wechaty Schedule allow you to easily schedule jobs for your Wechaty bots.

MIT License


Wechaty Schedule

Wechaty Schedule allow you to easily schedule jobs for your Wechaty bots.

Get Start

Step 1: Install

$ npm install wechaty-schedule --save

Step 2: Make a tasks

$ vim tasks.json

  // Task name
  "task-1": {
    // Message(s) will be sent in 13:00 everyday
    "time": "16:00:00",
    // [String|Array], Which room(s) you want to send the message(s). Set empty if you don't need a room.
    "room": ["My Chating Group1", "My Chating Group2"],
    // [String|Array], Who you want to send the message(s).
    "contact": "",
    // [String|Array], Message(s) you want to send.
    "content": ["Today is a nice day!", "It's time to have a cup of tea."]
  "task-2": {
    // Message(s) will be send in that time
    "time": "2018/01/01 00:00:00",
    "room": "",
    "contact": ["Gcaufy", "Zixia"],
    "content": "Happy New Year"

Step 3: Make a bot

$ vim mybot.js

const { Wechaty } = require('wechaty');
const WechatySechdulePlugin = require('wechaty-schedule');
const bot = Wechaty.instance();

bot.use(WechatySechdulePlugin({ tasks: './tasks.json' }))
.on('scan', (url, code) => console.log(`Scan QR Code to login: ${code}\n${url}`))
.on('login', user => console.log(`User ${user} logined`))

Step 4: Run

$ node mybot.js
