
JavaScript port of the path tracing algorithm from Peter Shirley's "Ray Tracing in One Weekend"

MIT License


Weekend Ray Tracer JS

This is a JavaScript port of the path tracing algorithm described in Peter Shirley's Ray Tracing in One Weekend.

The live demo can be viewed here. The resolution of the rendered image can be adjusted by adding a parameter ?scale=<factor> to the URL, indicating the scale factor relative to the window size. The render loop uses setTimeout rather than requestAnimationFrame, so it can continue rendering in a background tab. Note that the UI will be unresposive during each pass. Time permitting, I'll try to remedy this in the future by splitting each pass into asynchronous parts.

Some key changes were made to the original algorithm to make it easier to run in a browser:

  • The image is rendered to a canvas, rather than creating a ppm file.
  • Instead of iterating over each pixel once and taking multiple samples per pixel, this implementation iterates over the pixels several times, taking one sample per pass. This allows the image to be updated after each pass, with a rough image gradually clearing up as more samples are taken.
  • glMatrix is used for vector calculations to avoid garbage collection.
  • Other minor reorganization to account for differences between C++ and JavaScript.

Other than those differences, the algorithm should be functionally identical to the original. If you find any errors, please let me know!