
Simple game for choose a number among several possibilities. Go ahead until found the correct number. Enjoy it!


What's the number game

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About app

Interacting what's the number game

Simple game for choosing a number among several possibilities. Go ahead until found the correct number. Enjoy it!

Choose a number! If not correct, try again. It might be smaller or bigger in each attempt. Continue interacting until you get right!

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Project Details

This app uses:

  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • Typescript
  • Redux
  • Babel
  • Sass
  • Webpack
  • Docker


To compile CSS in the development process:

npm run css


To generate suite tests:

npm test


To generate build:

npm run build

Simple Develop Process

Download the project

Clone or fork this repository

git clone https://github.com/tjmelo/whats-number-game.git

cd whats-number-game

git checkout -b develop

npm install && npm start

Docker Develop Process

git clone https://github.com/tjmelo/whats-number-game.git

cd whats-number-game

docker compose up -d

Install from the command line

docker pull ghcr.io/tjmelo/tmx-wng:latest

or image in Docker Hub for optional download

docker pull tmwd/tmx-wng

Open the app on a browser http://localhost:3000