
Scripts used on the official factorio wiki


Wiki scripts

Scripts used on the factorio wiki.

The javascript files in this repo

Common.js - Scripts used for more than one module of wiki scripts; location on the wiki.

Infobox-move.js - Scripts used to move the infoboxes. Used once. Currently not on the wiki because they don't need to be used again.

Bot_common.js - All scripts that can only be used by User:BilkaBot because they are located on the bot's common.js page.

Other js files: Misc scripts that are not not used regularly

Python files in this repo - Utility functions, such as logging in. Needs the bot-credentials.json file. Format of that file:

  "username": "<Name of the bot>",
  "password": "<Password for the bot, base64encoded>"

Encoding the password:

import base64
print(base64.b64encode('<password>'.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8')) - Put the top pages pulled from google analytics onto the wiki. Needs analytics.csv and totals_analytics.csv. - Get the analytics from Matomo and save them in analytics.csv and totals_analytics.csv. Needs the matomo-credentials.json file. Format of that file:

  "token": "<the matomo api token>"
} - Get the latest FFF and put it on a page if it isn't already on there. - If provided the forum post number and version number it will put it on a page if it isn't already on there. - Generates a list of redirects, including how many pages link to them. Puts the list on a page. - Generates a list of wanted pages (red links), including how many pages link to them and for wanted language pages some info about the English page. Puts the list on a page. - Read the Factorio source files to semi-automatically generate the documentation for a given prototype. - Updates the infoboxes on the wiki. Needs the newest version of these files as input. - Misc scripts that are not not used regularly

  • used_as_ammo_by_in_infobox() - Set the "used as ammo by" property in an infobox.
  • infobox_category_change() - Change category in infoboxes in a list of pages.
  • make_type() - Easily format a property for a prototype page.
  • check_if_all_prototypes_are_on_page() - Check if all the prototype types listed in a file are also present on a wiki page.
  • update_icons() - Uses data/icons to update those icons on the wiki.
  • convert_data_raw() - Uses infobox data to generate the correct format for the Data.raw page.

Other files in this repo:

prototype-types.json - Mapping of prototype page names to actual prototype types from 2019-01-21, used by (now removed) prototype_types_on_individual_pages() script.


  • feedparser
  • requests