
Personal website built using Gatsby.

MIT License


Cool WIP: The one year later "Coming Soon" Personal Website

This is the Work In Progress that is my personal website. I have said on my old site that I had an update "Coming Soon" for about a year now and I am done with that.

About a week ago I actually started updating my site after stumbling on Gatsby while listening to @wesbos and @stolinsky's podcast Syntax. A week later I realized I can get this up and running really quick, but will need help refining and optimizing my code.

A Call For Help

I am fairly new to React and would love feedback from any experienced Front End Devs who are willing to help out!

If you are experienced with Front End Dev then I imagine you already know how to get this working without help, but just in case...

Clone / Fork Repo

You can follow Github's guide here: Fork A Repo.

Install Dependencies

npm i

Running in development

gatsby develop

Wanna help?

I have tasks I am adding to the issues to help me keep track of the project. I have gotten it to a state now to where I want to use branches and proper PRs to manage updates. Take a look around in there or make your own if you think my code could use some help :)

[WIP] Changelog

08 / 09 / 2017 Update, I have figured out a few things I want to do. I am loving importing data from any JS file. I have used it to add social accounts and a knowledgebase. Wanted to simulate pulling in real data so that I could get more familar with manipulating it.

I have been able to pull in the added objects / rows in the knowledgebase data file and convert them to a book -> chapter format. Using react-lowlight I added syntax highlighting to the library page and look forward to improving the code examples.

08 / 01 / 2017 This is where it all begins. I will outline what I am using below that I think might be relevant.

  • I think I want to copy the layout of the home page to all pages as a uniform header and want to make a more reusable component for that.
  • Styled Components
  • Prettier