

WMS Selector


The goal of this project is to ease addition of WMS layer from getCapabilities in OpenLayers 3+ This is an "early stage release" (too many things missing but working samples)

How to

We supposed you have installed Node. If not, go to the official website for instructions

Then do:

git clone https://github.com/ThomasG77/wms-selector.git
cd wms-selector
npm install
npm run demo:dev

You should see two uses cases:

  • On the bottom of the map, you can choose among layers listed from a hard coded getCapabilities
  • If you click on the button below the +, - for zooming unzooming, you will open a popup and see a list of web services refering to WMS endpoints. When you choose one, you will get a list of layers. Clicking on one will highlight it.


At the moment, the missings parts are:

  • select one or more layers and then add it/them to the map in the second scenario
  • deal with projection verification and choose to support or not reprojection on client side when server can't provide WMS with the "right" projection for both scenarios
  • Call a third party WMS from an URL instead of taking it from an existing list of WMS
  • Manage "proxyfying" because not all WMS are CORS friendly for client side consumption
  • improve UI/UX (ugly at the moment and not practical when a long list of layers in getCapabilities return)
  • fix/bypass Parcel library bundling issue requiring us to duplicate data directory in dist/data and demo/data
  • Testing suite


  • The logo for the button is coming from QGIS project.
  • The list of WMS is from https://github.com/igeofr/qgis2/tree/master/flux and we've made some changes in the format. Moreover, some WMS are done or are in fact WMTS (QGIS export both together)


Feel free to ask details or make a PR if you feel you can improve current code and sample.

  • contact(at)webgeodatavore.com