
HTML, JS and CSS based Wordclock

MIT License



This is a wordclock designed to run in a browser. It is developed and tested for Chrome, but other browsers work too if they support all necessary features.

@Copyright: Raphael Höser (Snapstromegon)

Developer Notes

This GIT

If you encouter any bugs or want to improve or contribute, please feel free to do so via issues or PRs.


If you want to add a languagepack to my system, feel free to add a PR.

Übersicht über verfügbare Sprachpakete

Language Code wc_langPack
German DE wc_langPack_DE.js
English EN wc_langPack_EN.js
Dutch NL wc_langPack_NL.js
Swiss German DE_SWG wc_langPack_DE_SWG.js
Bernese German CH_BERN wc_langPack_CH_BERN.js




The following files are needed for this clock to run:

  • ./wc.html
    The HTML base for the clock
  • ./wc_main.js
    Main logik which is not language specific
  • ./wc_base.css
    styling of the clock
  • ./wc_langPacks/wc_langPack_[language_code].js
    The Languagepack you want to use

Displaying System

Just open wc.html to see the wordclock.



In wc_main.js you can edit the wc_settings Object with the following attributes:

  • lang:
    the language code you want to use (default: 'DE')
  • updateInterval:
    how often the main loop should run and update the clock state (default: every 1000ms)
  • round:
    set this to true, of you want to round the time to the closest five minutes (for usage without the minute points) (default: false)
  • showMinutePoints:
    set this to false to hide the minute points (default: true)
  • stencilMode:
    this mode only shows bright squares instead of the letters, so you can add a cardboard cutout on the monitor (default: false)
  • fuzzyTime:
    this adds an additional part to the wording like 01:32 -> "it just was half past one" or 01:28 -> "it is nearly half past one". This comes up, so it always shows the closest 5 minute interval. (default: none)
    possible values are none, before (for nearly), after (for just was) and both.
    This feature is only implemented for the following language packs:
    • EN

Default Settings

var wc_settings = {
  lang: 'DE',
  updateInterval: 1000,
  round: false,
  showMinutePoints: true,
  stencilMode: false,
  fuzzyTime: 'none',


The root element sets three css variables, which control the color theme, the minute point distance and the fontsize.

Default Style

:root {
  --on-color: #fff;
  --off-color: #333;
  --background-color: #000;
  --dot-padding: 4%;
  --fontSize: 2em;

Custom Languagepacks


You can add custom language packs to the wc_langPacks folder. Those have to follow the structure of the existing packets and do/provide the following things:


A languagepack has to call the global function wc_addLanguagePack(languagePack) to register itself.

Languagepack content

A languagpack has to provide the following attributes:

  • langCode: The language code

  • letterSet: A two dimensional character array in which the first dimension describes a row and the second the columns in a row.

  • timeString: A function in the form of function(h,m,settings), which gets the following parameters and returns a string which words can be found from top left to bottom right in the letterSet.


    • h
      Current hours in 24h-format
    • m
      Current minutes between 0 and 59
    • settings
      A Settingsobject, which holds information about the current clock settings.


The inspiration for this project was a request my father made (github: ThomasH-W). In his Blog (german) you can find a more detailed install guide and further projects..