
wordle-solved-cli by Awais


πŸ“Ÿ CLI to to solve your Wordle puzzle daily. Learn to build Node.js CLI apps.


  • πŸ“¦ CLI that solves Wordle puzzles for you
  • 🀯 Automatic prediction of the upcoming word tomorrow
  • πŸ‘¨β€πŸ« Learn to automate anything: NodeCLI.com automation with JavaScript


# Global install.
npm install -g wordle-solved-cli

# OR run in one go.
npx wordle-solved-cli


Once you have installed the CLI globally with npx wordle-solved-cli you can run it with wordle command.

# Run the following command anywhere.


help  Print help info


-c, --clear    Clear the console Default: true
-d, --debug    Print debug info Default: false
-v, --version  Print CLI version Default: false


❯ Read the changelog here β†’

KEY: πŸ“¦ NEW, πŸ‘Œ IMPROVE, πŸ› FIX, πŸ“– DOC, πŸš€ RELEASE, and πŸ€– TEST

I use Emoji-log, you should try it and simplify your git commits.

License & Conduct



Me (Ahmad Awais) and my incredible wife (Maedah Batool) are two engineers who fell in love with open source and then with each other. You can read more about me here. If you or your company use any of my projects or like what I'm doing, then consider backing me. I'm in this for the long runβ€”an open-source developer advocate.

How to build a Node CLI?

Or you can back me by checking out my super fun video course. After building hundreds of developer automation tools used by millions of developers, I am teaching exactly how you can do it yourself with minimum effective effort. Learn to build Node.js & JavaScript-based CLI (Command Line Interface) apps & npm packages. Automate the grunt work, do more in less time, impress your manager, make more salary, and help the community. I'm sharing it all in this step-by-step 100-videos course. Node CLI Automation without wasting a thousand hours β†’