
A platform to have code workshops

MIT License


Workshop Platform

People understand new things when they "learn by doing". Its time our courses and workshops start reflecting that. Make exercises where you ask learners to build something. Then add helpful notes and your version so they try first and see what they missed.

Quick Start

Advanced Setup

Fork and clone this repo and then do the following-

  1. Install dependencies-
yarn install
  1. Start frontend & server in separate terminals.
# Tab 1
yarn dev

# Tab 2
yarn server

Open the project on http://localhost:3000/exercises/exercise-1.

For learners

If you want to solve Exercise 1 then open src/pages/exercises/exercise-1/playground.js. When you edit the component it should update in the browser in real time.

In the browser you can see the notes on the right-hand side. You can see the tutor's solution by switching tabs. Their code will be present in the challenge.js alongside your file.

Ask Assistant for help

Running yarn assistant can inform you about the common issues in your playground.js code. If you use a modern editor like VS Code then it will show squiggly lines below the problematic code as well.

Get your code evaluated

Running yarn evaluate will test if your code satisfies all the requirements of the challenge. By running yarn evaluate --watch you can re-evaluate automatically as soon as you change some code in playground.js.

For Tutors

Exercise lives in folder src/pages/exercises/exercise-1. For each exercise you need to add notes in notes.mdx and the challenge in challenge.js.

Create new exercise with

yarn create-exercise

Create evaluator tests

You can also add an evaluator for each exercise like we do in src/exercise-tests folder. Run it with yarn test-challenges.


Many challenges go along the lines of - fetch list of blog posts from an API, show the data in UI. For that there is a ready-made API server with various collections. Run it with yarn server.

Under the hood it uses json-server package so you can GET requests with pagination, filter and relations support.

Available resources


You can also do mutations like POST request which would keep the side-effects in memory till the server is running.

Lint Code

Lint your challenges with yarn lint-challenges