
interactive 3D app for watershed talk


wviz - a Virtual Watershed Visualizer

I wrote wviz as a visualization tool for use when I give presentations about watersheds, in particular when talking about my watersheds project watersheds.fernleafinteractive.com.

It uses the three.js WebGL library to display a patch of virtual terrain, giving the user the ability to change the point of view, watch a drop of water flow downhill across the surface, and compute and display upstream areas.

I wrote wviz for my own personal use in one specific context --- it isn't intended to be generally useful outside of this context, or really by anyone other than me. That said, the code is open source and is available to anyone who wants to take a look at it. Just keep in mind that I don't consider this to be my best code --- it's the result of a long sequence of feature additions without much attention to overall design.

Development Setup

npm install
npm run dev

Production Setup

npm run build
npm run build-all

Keyboard Commands

  • ' ' (space) - advance drop once
  • '.' - advance drop all the way
  • 'aa' - toggle arrows
  • 'ac' - toggle axes
  • 'ad' - toggle dots (points in 2d grid)
  • 'ae' - toggle terrain edges
  • 'af' - toggle terrain faces
  • 'ah' - toggle drop height line
  • 'am' - toggle display of messages
  • 'ar' - toggle 2D
  • 'at' - toggle 3D
  • 'ccc' - full reset
  • 'ct' - clear trails
  • 'dt' - define target: next shift-click will set yellow dot location
  • '#fr' - set drop advance frame rate to #
  • '#fs' - set drop advance frame speed to #
  • 'h' - toggle drop neighbor height lines
  • 'n' - toggle drop neighbors
  • 'r' - rotate mode
  • 't' - translate mode
  • 'sss' - display modal dialog with current snapshot state details
  • 'sn' - go to next snapshot
  • 'sp' - go to prev snapshot
  • '#sj' - jump to snapshot #
  • 'sw' - scale world
  • 'sd' - scale blue drop
  • 'uc' - clear upstream areas
  • 'uu' - draw current upstream area
  • 'x' - toggle number labels on dots

Copyright / License

Copyright 2016 FernLeaf Interactive, LLC

This application is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License; see [https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0] (https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc/4.0) for details.