
An Appcelerator Titanium application for the URL shortener xav.cc

OTHER License


xavccMobileApp - an opensource mobile url shortening application


xavccMobileApp is an opensource mobile url shortening application built on top of the mobile framework Appcelerator Titanium Mobile. The application uses the APIs provided by the url shortener xav.cc.

Might you want to give it a run, the application is available in the Apple AppStore and in the Android Market:

Download and install

  • Grab the source from GitHub:
  • Import the project in Titanium Developer. Make sure the Iphone and Android SDKs are installed
  • compile the application, fork it, push it! :)


The application uses the APIs provided by the url shortener xav.cc. It is built using a TabGroup binding the four main windows, which code resides in Resources/js/views.

The main business logic is written in Resoures/js/lib/xav.cc.

The project uses the javascript ORM "joli.js" in order to save shortened urls and their detail in a "shorturl" table on the mobile device. The model is described in the file Resoures/js/lib/model/models.js.

Credits and license

This application has been developed by Xavier Lacot and is licensed under the MIT license.

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