
RoR5 SaaS CRM for appointment-based business. Milia for multi-tenancy (not best approach & implementation). No billing system. But very good business logics.


for simplicity the app does not currently have any credentials. google recaptcha

production.rb / environment.rb - SendGrid or alternative email provider storage.yml - AWS S3 storage omnicontacts.rb - Google People API _google_analytics.html.haml -

RoR version

rvm list rvm install ruby-2.6.5 rvm --default use 2.6.5 rvm uninstall 2.6.3 gem install rails -v

postgresql setup aws c9

sudo apt install postgresql libpq-dev sudo su postgres createuser --interactive ubuntu y exit pg_config --version

run app

bundle update rake db:create rake db:migrate rails s

heroku aws c9

npm uninstall -g heroku-cli sudo snap install heroku --classic npm install -g heroku heroku git:remote -a xlplan

push to heroku

git push heroku master heroku run rake db:migrate

to create a user google recaptcha has to be either configured or disabled. disable in milia.rb file


PublicActivity::Activity.where(trackable_type: "InboundPayment").count PublicActivity::Activity.where(trackable_type: "InboundPayment").each do |x| x.update_attributes!(trackable_type: "Transaction") end

git branch invitations git checkout invitations git push --set-upstream origin invitations

cd xlplan git status sudo service postgresql96 restart

git push heroku master heroku run rake db:migrate

rails db:drop db:create db:migrate

rails db:schema:dump rails db:migrate:status

FIND TOP 50 FILES BY SIZE heroku run bash du | sort -n -r | head -n 50

Tenant.find(88).update_attributes(plan: "blocked") User.find(x).update_attributes(confirmed_at: Time.now)

Tenant.find_each do |tenant| Tenant.set_current_tenant(tenant) Transaction.update_all category: "client_balance" end

Tenant.set_current_tenant(2) Service.public_activity_off ServiceCategory.public_activity_off

CashAccount.create(name: "Наличные") CashAccount.create(name: "Безнал")

Tag.all.where(name: "lost_client").each do |tag| tag.update_attributes(name: "lost") end

Member.all.each do |member| member.update_attributes(time_zone: "Kyiv") end

Tag.create!(name: "potential", tenant: tenant)

Transaction.all.unscoped.where(cash_account_id: nil).count Transaction.all.unscoped.where(payable_type: nil).count

Tenant.find_each do |tenant| Tenant.set_current_tenant(tenant) Transaction.public_activity_off Transaction.where(payable_type: nil).each do |x| x.update_attributes!(payable_type: "Client", payable_id: x.client_id) end end

Tenant.find_each do |tenant| Tenant.set_current_tenant(tenant) Transaction.public_activity_off Transaction.where(payable_type: "Event").each do |x| x.update_attributes!(payable_type: "Client", payable_id: x.client_id) end end

Transaction.where(cash_account_id: nil).each do |x| x.update_attributes!(cash_account: CashAccount.find_by(name: "Наличные")) end

Animal.update_all alive: true

Tenant.set_current_tenant(1) Event.all.where(workplace_id: nil).count CashAccount.public_activity_off Location.all.each do |location| location.workplaces.create(name: "room1") end

Tenant.set_current_tenant(7) Transaction.public_activity_off Transaction.find(57).update_attributes(cash_account: CashAccount.find_by(name: "Безнал"))

workplace = Workplace.first.id Event.public_activity_off Event.all.where(workplace_id: nil).each do |event| event.update_attributes!(workplace_id: workplace) end

Client.public_activity_off Member.public_activity_off Event.all.each { |x| x.save(validate: false) } Event.all.each { |x| x.save } Job.all.each { |x| x.save }

User.all.each do |user| user.remove_role :owner, Event end Job.public_activity_off Event.public_activity_off Job.all.each do |x| x.save_service_details end Job.all.each do |x| x.calculate_prices end Event.all.each do |x| x.update_event_price end Event.all.each do |x| x.update_other_prices end

PublicActivity::Activity.where("created_at >= ?", Time.zone.now.beginning_of_day).count

Tenant.find_each do |tenant| Tenant.set_current_tenant(tenant) Member.public_activity_off Member.all.each do |member| member.update_attributes(time_zone: "Kyiv") end Tag.create!(name: "contact_required") Tag.create!(name: "lost_client") Tag.create!(name: "blacklist") Tag.create!(name: "VIP") end heroku run rake db:migrate Lead.find_each(&:save) pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -d xplan_development latest.dump YOUR_PASSWORD SUPERUSER ####################################################### #console commands to update counters, if needed #Client.find_each { |client| Client.reset_counters(client.id, :jobs_count) } #Service.find_each { |service| Service.reset_counters(service.id, :jobs_count) } #Location.find_each { |location| Location.reset_counters(location.id, :jobs_count) } #Employee.find_each { |member| Employee.reset_counters(member.id, :jobs_count) } #ServiceCategory.find_each { |service_category| ServiceCategory.reset_counters(service_category.id, :services_count) } #Client.find_each { |client| Client.reset_counters(client.id, :comments_count) } #Location.find_each { |location| Location.reset_counters(location.id, :workplaces_count) } ####################################################### = link_to "Back", :back ####################################################### BAD: Instead of iterating over objects fully loaded into memory. Tenant.map { |tenant| tenant.name } #=> ["Eloquent Ruby", "Sapiens", "Agile Web Development With Rails"] Tenant.map(&:name) #=> ["Eloquent Ruby", "Sapiens", "Agile Web Development With Rails"]

GOOD: Use the ActiveRelation#pluck method to pull the required fields directly from the database. Tenant.pluck(:name) #=> ["Eloquent Ruby", "Sapiens", "Agile Web Development With Rails"] ####################################################### Client.all.each do |client| client.update_attributes!(lead_source: "import") end heroku run rails c Tenant.set_current_tenant(2) Tenant.set_current_tenant(83) Tenant.set_current_tenant(49) Service.public_activity_off ServiceCategory.public_activity_off Client.public_activity_off Comment.public_activity_off Client.public_activity_on Member.public_activity_off Comment.public_activity_on Event.public_activity_off Member.public_activity_off User.public_activity_off Tenant.set_current_tenant(13) Tenant.set_current_tenant(2) PublicActivity.enabled = false InboundPayment.count InboundPayment.all.map(&:amount).sum

Tenant.set_current_tenant(37) Tenant.current_tenant.update_attributes!(plan: "demo") Event.count User.find(1) PublicActivity::Activity.order("created_at DESC").limit(10) InboundPayment.find_each(&:save) rake db:drop db:create db:migrate @user.add_role(:admin) ####################################################### #after_create :update_start_time def update_job_timing event_job_count = Job.where(event_id: job.id).count if event_job_count > 1 index = event.job.index update_column :index, (index) duration_of_events_with_smaller_index = Job.where(event_id: job.id).where.not(id: self.id).where(index < self.index).map(&:duration).sum before_duration = duration_of_events_with_smaller_index job.starts_at = before_duration - event.starts_at else job.starts_at = event.starts_at end job.ends_at = job.starts_at + duration end ####################################################### class Transaction < ApplicationRecord before_create :set_slug private def set_slug loop do self.slug = SecureRandom.uuid break unless Transaction.where(slug: slug).exists? end end end ####################################################### This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

rails g scaffold inbound_payment tenant:references event:references client:references amount:integer payment_method:string

add_column :members, :planned_work_hours, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :confirmed_work_hours, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :cancelled_work_hours, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :planned_job_price, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :confirmed_job_price, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :cancelled_job_price, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :planned_jobs_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :confirmed_jobs_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :cancelled_jobs_count, :integer, default: 0, null: false add_column :members, :share_of_revenue, :integer, default: 0, null: false

, class: "btn btn-primary fa fa-eye btn-sm", title: 'Show', 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-placement' => 'top' , class: "btn btn-warning fa fa-edit btn-sm", title: 'Edit', 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-placement' => 'top' , class: "btn btn-danger fa fa-trash btn-sm", title: 'Delete', 'data-toggle' => 'tooltip', 'data-placement' => 'top'

Things you may want to cover:

  • Rails 5.2.3

  • ruby 2.5.3p105 (2018-10-18 revision 65156) [x86_64-linux]

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...



PublicActivity.enabled = false
ten = 2
Role.all.unscoped.where(tenant_id: ten).delete_all
PublicActivity::Activity.where(tenant_id: ten).delete_all
target = Tenant.find ten