
👌 Components that snap.

MIT License



Components that snap.



npm i --save xnap

How do i use it?

For a full example, check out /example. Here's a simple example that snaps between transformX(-100%) and transformX(100%).

let xnapCard = new Xnap(component, { states: ['-100% + ', '100% + '], direction: 0 })
xnapCard.register() // Register the event listeners.


new Xnap(component, { options })
Name Type Default Description
exact Boolean false If dragging should only be triggered when you touch the component xnap was mounted on.
state Boolean false Which state the component is initiated with.
states String Array ['0% + ', '100% + '] What the transforms are for the states. Movement is appended to the current string.
scaleStates Number Array [1.0, 1.0] What the scales are for the states.
factor Number 5 How snappy it is. Higher = Snappier.
length Number 100 How far it needs to be dragged before it snaps.
onTrue Function None Function that triggers when state is set to true.
onFalse Function None Function that triggers when state is set to false.
condition Function () => true Runs on mouse/touch down, if false return: don't trigger moving.
direction Number 1 Which direction it moves. 0 = Left/Right. 1 = Up/Down.
vibrate Number None If a number is given, it vibrates the device on state change for the given duration in MS. Use 2 - 5 for a clicky tap.